Election Integrity

U.S. Elections Integrity on The Thinking Conservative website looks at election integrity, election legislation, voting reform and more.

Wisconsin Absentee Ballot

Langlade County GOP Declares Biden as ‘Not Legitimately Elected’ in 2022 Resolution

Republicans in Langlade County, WI, passed resolution stating Biden was not legitimately elected and election fraud influenced results of 2020 presidential election.
Georgia Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes

Georgia opens investigation into possible illegal ballot harvesting in 2020 election

Georgia authorities launched investigation into allegation of systematic ballot harvesting during state's 2020 general election and subsequent U.S. Senate runoff.

Video Playlist: Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections (2020)

In advance of the 2020 Presidential election, KILL CHAIN: THE CYBER WAR ON AMERICA’S ELECTIONS takes a deep dive into the weaknesses of today’s...
Regent University

WATCH: Analyzing American Election Integrity

Regent University’s Robertson School of Government will host a virtual conference on election integrity on Tuesday, March 23, 2021, from 12 PM to 6 PM...
President Donald J. Trump

Watch: President Trump’s Speech Banned From Twitter

Twitter has locked President Trump out of his Twitter account and they have removed the video below. Truth matters. Free speech matters. Antifa, Black...
From The Desk of Donald J. Trump

Congratulations to Tim Ramthun For Resolution on Decertifying 2020 Presidential Election in Wisconsin

“Congratulations to Tim Ramthun, State Representative of Wisconsin, for putting forward a powerful and very popular, because it’s true, resolution to decertify the 2020...
John Fredericks on war Room with Steve Bannon

John Fredericks: All Hell Is About To Break Loose In Georgia

Explosive news coming out of Georgia via John Fredericks: “We’ve got two organizations called OpSec and True the Vote. Heather Mullins from One America News...

Breaking: Justice Alito Orders Response in PA Case

On today’s Jay Sekulow Live, he discusses the breaking news that Justice Alito has ordered a response in the Pennsylvania election case. Justice Alito...

Sharpiegate: Email Proves Officials Demanded Ballpoint Pens For Early Voting and Sharpies on Election...

The Gateway Pundit has done impressive work on covering the 2020 election irregularities. Sharpiegate is one of the topics they have investigated. An email sent...
Twitter & Instagram

Contact Republicans in Congress to object to certification of disputed Electoral College results

PLEASE Take time today and contact ALL Republican Senators and Congress members to tell them to object to the certification of disputed electoral college...
Tina Peters on War Room Pandemic

Tina Peters Talks Proof of Voting Machine Irregularities

Tina Peters, in Colorado, talks about new report showing how voting machines were illegally connected to the Internet, and irregularities.
Investigate Election Irregularities

400 or more Ex-intelligence Officers Investigating Election Irregularities

Over 400 people from the Intelligence Community (IC), military, law enforcement, and the judiciary have formed a loose network to investigate irregularities in the...