Election Integrity

U.S. Elections Integrity on The Thinking Conservative website looks at election integrity, election legislation, voting reform and more.

How Biden is Registering Illegals to Vote in Swing States

How Biden is Registering Illegals to Vote in Swing States

Jay Valentine of Omega 4 America, “a FracticalWeb.App microsite, demonstrating how state governments can deploy advanced quantum result technology to identify voter roll fraud
True The Vote

True The Vote Sends Letter To DOJ Reporting Serious National Security Matter And Breach...

True the Vote Sends Letter to DOJ Reporting Serious National Security Matter and Breach Within Nevada Secretary of State’s Email System While Accessing Nevada Voting...

Texas House Advances Election Reform Bill After Democrats End Holdout

The Texas House of Representatives late Thursday advanced an election reform bill that’s widely opposed by Democrats. The state’s lower chamber voted 79-37 to advance Senate Bill...
State of Georgia Seal

Georgia House and Senate Election Integrity Bills in the Works

Legislation proposed by Georgia Republicans moved forward in both the state house and senate. Some of the issues addressed were voter ID requirements and...

Texas Supreme Court Allows for Arrest of Democrats Who Don’t Show Up at Capitol

The Texas Supreme Court has voided a lower court’s order that restricted Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan’s authorization to arrest and detain state Democrats who fled...
More than 10K ballots mistakenly left out of unofficial vote count, Chicago Board of Elections says

Chicago Board of Elections ‘Mistakenly’ Left Out Over 9,000 Mail-In Ballots in Primary Election

An official at the Chicago Board of Elections said he mistakenly failed to count over 9,000 ballots in a state’s attorney race in the primary election.
Frank Andrews Afternoons

Mail-In Ballots, Drop Boxes, Fraud? All Of Your Voting/Election Questions, Answered!

Jonathan Marks, Deputy Secretary for Elections and Commissions of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania joined the Frank Andrews Show to talk about all things related...
Voters in Des Moines precincts 43, 61 and 62 cast their ballots at Roosevelt High School.

NeverTrump’s Latest Attempt To Dismiss Election Concerns Is Particularly Dishonest

Establishment Republicans released report claiming to make “The Conservative Case that Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election.”

Dominion Sues Mike Lindell and My Pillow, Inc.

Mike Lindell has been calling on Dominion Voting Systems to sue him so that a court of law could look at the evidence of...
Karl Rove

What Could Go Wrong on Election Day

If most ballots this fall are cast by mail, the results may not be known for days. That could plunge America into prolonged controversy...
United States Congress

Rep Mo Brooks leads colleagues in sending letter to Congress leadership seeking election fraud...

On Thursday, December 17, 2020, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) was joined by 18 House Conservative colleagues to send an investigation and hearings request letter...

McConnell: Manchin’s Election Reform Proposal Still ‘Rotten To The Core’

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Thursday said he believes all Republicans will oppose Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-W.Va.) “compromise” on the Democratic party’s election-related bill that...