Election Integrity

U.S. Elections Integrity on The Thinking Conservative website looks at election integrity, election legislation, voting reform and more.

I Voted in the 2022 Midterm Elections

China Tried to Shape Outcome of 2022 Midterm Elections, Intelligence Report Says

CCP attempted to meddle in 2022 U.S. midterm elections, aiming to undermine certain candidates viewed as “anti-China” and to promote others deemed to be “pro-China.

Newt Gingrich: “Any votes not observed are by definition corrupt”

Newt Gingrich discusses election issues with Sean on Hannity, stating "any precinct that we were not able to observe, strip those votes out. Do...
Foreign Threats to the 2020 U.S. Federal Elections

Intelligence Community Assessment on Foreign Threats to the 2020 U.S. Federal Elections

Pursuant to the Intelligence Authorization Act, Section 5304(c)(3), the Office of the Director of National Intelligence today released the declassified Intelligence Community assessment of...
Tina Peters

Stand with Tina Peters: A Whistleblower Persecuted for Defending Election Integrity

Tina Peters, defender of election integrity, argues charges against her are politically motivated to silence her challenge to official narrative of 2020 election.
Investigating the 2020 Presidential Election

Marlow: The Corporate Media and Big Tech Interfered in the 2020 Election, and ‘Breaking...

Corporate media and big tech interfered in the 2020 Election, and Alex Marlow's ‘Breaking the News’ provides undeniable proof and a warning for 2024 elections.
How Secretary of State Races Became Key Focus in Election Integrity Battle

How Secretary of State Races Became Key Focus in Election Integrity Battle

In the wake of the 2020 election, focus sharpened on the 41 state secretaries of state that manage elections; a once obscure position has become a battleground.

Arizona Judge Declines to Dismiss Election Interference Case

In legal battle over alleged election interference in Arizona in 2022, Judge denied motions to dismiss and motions to remand charges back to a state grand jury.
Non-Citizens Vote

Wisconsin Voter Alliance Says State Violates Federal Election Law

'Progressive billionaires and their nonprofits are encouraging people that are abroad and home to vote, regardless of citizenship,' said Attorney Erick Kaardal.
AP News Logo

Judge won’t order immediate switch to hand-marked ballots

ATLANTA (AP) — A federal judge on Sunday expressed serious concerns about Georgia’s new election system but declined to order the state to abandon...
Saul, 48, a lifelong Republican from Madera, California.

California Voters Report Ballot Mix-Ups, Share Concerns About Election Integrity

“There have been multiple people who experienced this,” a poll worker said. “We don’t know how or why their party affiliation was changed.”
Fani Willis For Fulton County District Attorney

All 19 Defendants Plead Not Guilty, Waive Arraignments in Georgia Election Case

All 19 defendants in Fulton County, GA, DA Fani Willis’s 2020 election probe pleaded not guilty to charges against them and waived their formal arraignments.

Dem Groups Are Trying to Eliminate “Election Lawyers” and Trump’s Attorney Needs Your Help...

There are several new advocacy groups funded by millions in “dark money” dedicated to shutting down any lawyer involved in shedding light on election issues.