Election Integrity

U.S. Elections Integrity on The Thinking Conservative website looks at election integrity, election legislation, voting reform and more.


Court Limits Ability to Bring Race-Based Lawsuits Against Congressional Maps

A federal appeals court has dealt a blow to the ability of private individuals and groups to sue over congressional maps claiming racial discrimination.

AG Merrick Garland Calls Voter ID Laws ‘Unnecessary’

AG Merrick Garland on March 3 declared that efforts by states to implement voter ID laws are “unnecessary” and “burdensome,” drawing the ire of Republicans.
How Biden is Registering Illegals to Vote in Swing States

How Biden is Registering Illegals to Vote in Swing States

Jay Valentine of Omega 4 America, “a FracticalWeb.App microsite, demonstrating how state governments can deploy advanced quantum result technology to identify voter roll fraud

Woman Who Sent Photo of Young Girl’s Mutilated Body To 2020 GOP Election Official...

On November 17, 2020, the lives of former Wayne County, MI Chair of the Board of Canvassers Monica Palmer and her family were forever...

Wisconsin Voters Deliver Blow to ‘Zuckerbucks’ in Elections

Wisconsinites chose yes on a measure restricting private money from entering elections, preventing donations from tech billionaire like Zuckerberg in the state.
Texas Voter Registration Applications

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Texas Law Requiring Pen-on-Paper Voter Signature on Registrations

Federal appeals court upheld Texas law requiring original pen-on-paper signature on a voter registration application, a win for election integrity measures.

Judge Rules Arizona Law Requiring Proof of Citizenship Not Discriminatory

Federal judge ruled that Arizona law requiring voters to provide proof of American citizenship is not discriminatory. A false registration ‘is a class 6 felony.’
Trump Pence Make America Great Again

Trump Campaign Takes Wisconsin Constitutional Fight To Supreme Court

Mayor Rudolph J. Giuliani, the Trump campaign’s lead attorney, today announced that the campaign filed a petition for a Writ of Certiorari with the U.S. Supreme...
RNC to Focus on Election Integrity

Speaker Johnson to Meet With Trump Amid Ouster Threat

House Speaker Mike Johnson will host a press conference from Mar-A-Lago on election integrity with former President Donald Trump on April 12, 2024.
Rise in Mail-in-Voting: A Convenience or Pathway to Fraud?

Rise in Mail-in-Voting: A Convenience or Pathway to Fraud?

As states gear up for highly consequential elections this fall, one of the most critical factors in the United States is the rise of mass mail-in voting.

Republican Warns of Biden Order Allowing Illegal Immigrants, Felons to Vote

Republican secretary of state sent letter to DOJ alerting it to 2021 executive order allowing felons and illegal aliens to register to vote in elections.
Election Transparency, Accountability, and Inclusion Act: Model Law

Election Transparency, Accountability, and Inclusion Act: Model Law – DailyClout and American Voters’ Alliance

t is essential that we enact meaningful and comprehensive legislative reform to ensure transparent, accountable, and accurate elections.