Election Integrity

U.S. Elections Integrity on The Thinking Conservative website looks at election integrity, election legislation, voting reform and more.

AG Garland Thinks We're Too Stupid to Have an ID to Vote

16 GOP Attorneys General Challenge Garland’s Comments on Voting Laws

Republican state AG's are pushing back against AG Garland’s comments at a church in Selma, AL, where he discussed using DOJ to interfere in state voting laws.

Lawsuit Seeks End to ‘Lawless’ Noncitizen Voting in Pennsylvania

Policy allowing people to register to vote without a verifiable driver’s license and Social Security numbers violates federal law, legal group says.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rejects Democrat Bid to Revisit Congressional Map Challenge

With Republicans currently holding six of Wisconsin’s eight seats in the House, the decision has potential ramifications for the upcoming elections.

The Montana Supreme Court Tries to Move the State Left

The Montana Supreme Court’s overruling of election integrity laws is part of a wider pattern. The Epoch Times reported on March 28 that the Montana...

NY Court Strikes Down Law That Let Noncitizens Vote in Local Elections

State appeals court declared as unconstitutional a NYC law permitting noncitizen voting in local elections—a victory for election integrity advocates and opponents.
How Biden is Registering Illegals to Vote in Swing States

How Biden is Registering Illegals to Vote in Swing States

Jay Valentine of Omega 4 America, “a FracticalWeb.App microsite, demonstrating how state governments can deploy advanced quantum result technology to identify voter roll fraud

Wisconsin Judge Rules Use of Mobile Vans in Absentee Voting Violates State Election Law

A Wisconsin judge ruled on Jan. 8 that the use of a mobile van to facilitate absentee voting violates state election laws, marking a win for Republicans.
Pennsylvania’s Capitol building in Harrisburg, Pa., in January 2023

24 GOP Legislators in Pennsylvania Challenge Biden Over Voter Registration Executive Order

Republican legislators in PA filed complaint against Biden, Shapiro and others for usurping legislative authority by changing voter registration and election rules.
Rudy Giulian leaves the E. Barrett Prettyman U.S. District Courthouse

DC Bar Disciplinary Board Recommends Disbarring Rudy Giuliani

D.C. Bar’s disciplinary board recommended disbarring Rudy Giuliani for his involvement in “frivolous” legal efforts to challenge 2020 election results in PA.
New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%

New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration...

Judicial Watch announced that a September 2020 study revealed that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens.
Engelbrecht and Phillip of True The Vote

Election Software Firm Drops Case Against True the Vote

Konnech, an election software company, dropped its defamation and unlawful access to information case against election integrity group True the Vote.
llegal Aliens Can Vote in DC Elections!

Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting

Judicial Watch received 13-pages of records from DC explaining to illegal aliens and other noncitizens how they can register to vote in local elections.