Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

Group Calls on Authorities to Investigate CDC Over Misinformation About Child COVID Deaths

U.S. CDC officials who spread misinformation about child COVID-19 deaths should be investigated for violations of the agency’s scientific integrity policies.

Fauci Wants UN to ‘Rebuild the Infrastructures of Human Existence’

In his paper, Emerging Pandemic Diseases: How We Got to COVID-19, Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote the following: Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes...
DNA genetics biotechnology mRNA vaccine human medicine

‘We Can’t Force the Human Body to Accept Foreign Genetic Code’: Dr. McCullough on...

The doctor called mRNA vaccines a ‘failed concept’ and something that the government and military have been testing for quite a long time.
Ed Dowd on Bannon's War Room

BOMBSHELL: Ed Dowd Reports Of Disability Rate Increase Directly Related To COVID-19 Jab

Ed Dowd of “Cause Unknown" talks about his new research that shows a steep increase in disability rates being reported by employers during the same time periods.
Scrutinize the CDC

No Documents to Support CDC’s Claims That COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Integrate Into DNA:...

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) did not rely on any documents for its claims that the COVID-19 vaccines do not alter...
Scrutinize the CDC

CDC Ordered to Disclose Crucial Information From COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance System

The top U.S. public health agency must disclose information provided by people who experienced problems following COVID-19 vaccination, a federal court has ruled.
Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine

Another Study Finds COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Turns Negative Within Months

The effectiveness of the Pfizer and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines turns negative against severe COVID-19 months after administration, according to a new study.
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Vials

Journal Rejects Request to Retract Study Suggesting Negative COVID Vaccine Effectiveness

Scientific journal rejected request to retract study finding people who got COVID-19 booster were more likely to become infected when compared to unvaccinated.
CDC Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines For Children

Heart Scarring Observed in Children Months After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

Some children who experienced heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination had scarring on their hearts months later, a new long-term study found.

First Hospital in Nation to Require COVID-19 Vaccines Will End Mandate

Houston Methodist will no longer requireCOVID-19 shots after new law passed outlawing practice of denying vaccine choice to workers in the private sector.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs HB-5

DeSantis Expected to Sign Bill Deeming Religious Services ‘Essential’ in Emergencies

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to sign legislation to grant places of worship the right to keep doors open during states of emergency.

Virginia Tech Disenrolls 134 Unvaccinated Students

Virginia Tech has disenrolled more than 100 students for not meeting the COVID-19 vaccine requirement before the start of the fall semester, the university said Tuesday. Some 134...