Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

CCP Deploys Cover-Up on Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak in Children

CCP Deploys Cover-Up on Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak in Children

Just like 3 years ago, CCP appears dismissive of the disease’s risk, telling a concerned WHO that there are no “unusual or new pathogens” or clinical symptoms.
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Vials

Moderna Secretly Polices COVID ‘Vaccine Misinformation’ to Control Narrative: Investigative Report

Moderna is policing what it calls “vaccine misinformation” online through disinformation dept, shutting down anything that might undermine COVID-19-related policies.

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues Pfiz­er for Mis­rep­re­sent­ing COVID-19 Vac­cine Effi­ca­cy and Con­spir­ing to Cen­sor Pub­lic...

Texas AG Ken Paxton sued Pfizer, Inc., for unlawfully misrepresenting effectiveness of it's COVID-19 vaccine and attempting to censor public discussion of product.
Fauci News Conference Rose Garden March 13 2020

Anthony Fauci to Answer Questions Under Oath, Appear in Public Hearing

Dr. Anthony Fauci has agreed to testify under oath in a private and public hearing, a U.S. House of Representatives committee announced on Nov. 30.

First Hospital in Nation to Require COVID-19 Vaccines Will End Mandate

Houston Methodist will no longer requireCOVID-19 shots after new law passed outlawing practice of denying vaccine choice to workers in the private sector.

Whistleblower Claims CIA analysts bribed to change position on COVID lab leak theory

A whistleblower has come forward to claim CIA analysts who favoured the COVID-19 lab leak theory were bribed to change their position.

Limited Hangout: Robert Kadlec Forced to Cover for Fauci?

Analysis and additional context for a recent stunning interview segment obtained and published by Australian reporter Sharri Markson for Sky News (Australia).

China Seeks More Clinics to Cope With Surge of Respiratory Illnesses in Children

China's top health body urged hospitals nationwide to extend service hours and set up more clinics amid the recent increase in infections.
ChatGPT and COVID-19

Adverse Events From COVID Vaccination More Likely With Prior COVID Infection

Individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 develop immunity and may be likely to experience adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination compared to no infection.

Unprecedented Surges in Cardiac Arrest Cases in Victoria, Australia: Exploring the Potential Vaccine Link

Research has established a causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis—a common cause of sudden cardiac arrest in young individuals.
Pfizer Sues Poland

Pfizer Sues Poland Because It Doesn’t Want to Buy More COVID-19 Vaccines

Pfizer sued the government of Poland for alleged failure to buy 60 million contracted doses of its COVID-19 vaccine, according to reports and Polish officials.
REACT19: Science-based support for people suffering from long-term COVID-19 vaccine effects

Females and Young Adults at Higher Risk of COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects: Study

Females and young adults are at increased risk of side effects after COVID-19 vaccinations. People taking 3 doses compared to 2 may present different side effects.