Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

Hong Kong’s Zero-COVID Policy Threatens Financial Hub Status: Finance Industry Group

Asia’s largest financial lobby group is mounting pressure on Hong Kong’s government to rethink its zero-COVID policy and ease travel restrictions for international travelers,...
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Vials

Contract Confirms US Government Received $400 Million From Major COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturer

The U.S. government has released the licensing agreement it hammered out with vaccine manufacturer Moderna but has refused to confirm many payment details.
1 in 5 Americans Vaccinated for COVID-19

US Hits COVID-19 Vaccine Milestone: 50 Percent of Adults Fully Vaccinated

The United States this week hit a major milestone in efforts to administer COVID-19 vaccines to the population. Approximately 50 percent of adults 18 or older as...
MedRxiv COVID19 -Vaccine

People ‘Up to Date’ With COVID-19 Vaccines More Likely to Be Infected: Study

Vaccinated people who received one of updated bivalent vaccines had higher risk of becoming infected when compared to people who had not, Cleveland Clinic found.

Do Ventilators Save COVID-19 Patient’s Lives?

Doctor Mike Hansen practices Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine and today he discusses whether ventilators save Coronavirus (COVID-19) patient's lives? Ventilators...

Fauci Says It Would Have Been a ‘Dereliction of Our Duty’ Not to Work...

Infectious diseases expert Dr. Anthony Fauci on Tuesday defended the flow of funds from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in...

NY Still Needs to Come Clean on COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths Scandal: Report

The government of the State of New York still has more explaining to do and heads that should roll regarding the decision to order...
Scrutinize the CDC

EXCLUSIVE: CDC Changed Definition of Breakthrough COVID-19 After Emails About ‘Vaccine Failure’

The CDC altered its definition of COVID-19 cases among the vaccinated, leading to a lower number of cases classified as a breakthrough, according to documents.

Nursing Reports From The Front Lines Of The COVID Vaccine Crisis – Part 1

Propaganda campaign which led doctors to disassociate from reality of widespread COVID-19 vaccine injuries is weakening as reality sets in.
COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccines – safety, ethics and the bigger picture

As we continue to hurtle through the Covid-19 pandemic, vaccines are on everyone’s minds. Millions of UK people have now received at least one...
United States Congress

Top Oversight Republicans Call On Maloney To Investigate WHO Pandemic Response & Relationship With...

Today – Ranking Member Jim Jordan — joined by the five ranking members of the Oversight Committee Subcommittees —sent a letter to Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney urging...

Sen. Johnson Accuses Health Agency Heads of Stonewalling Virus Safety Info

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) is challenging the heads of the top three federal health agencies to stop stonewalling Congress and explain why their vaccine...