Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

Kristian Andersen Deactivates Twitter Account

Scientist Who Emailed Fauci About COVID-19 Being ‘Potentially Engineered’ Deactivates Twitter Account

A scientist who emailed top U.S. infectious diseases official Dr. Anthony Fauci about the possibility of COVID-19 being engineered in a laboratory abruptly deactivated his Twitter...

Fauci, First Lady Visit Vaccination Clinic as Protesters Call for Firing

Dr. Anthony Fauci and First Lady Jill Biden on Sunday visited a COVID-19 vaccination site in New York City. Fauci and Biden visited Abyssinian Baptist Church, a megachurch on W....

California County COVID-19 Death Toll Lowered by 400 After Counting Method Change

The number of COVID-19 deaths in Alameda County, California, fell by about 25 percent after health officials changed their methodology for total mortality count, removing deaths that...
Footage from the Wuhan Institute of Virology

Why Was the US Department of Defense Funding Bioweapons Research at Wuhan?

U.S. DOD provided $39 million in grant funding to “EcoHealth Alliance” as part of grant to conduct types of “gain of function” virus research.

Trump wanted to publicly grill Fauci on Wuhan lab funding — and bill China...

President Trump wanted to haul Dr. Anthony Fauci in front of a presidential commission to give evidence about funding the Wuhan laboratory suspected of leaking COVID-19. Advanced...

US Gave More Money to Chinese Lab for Bat Research Than Fauci Claimed: Documents

The United States gave over $800,000 to the top-level laboratory in China from which some believe the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus escaped, according to newly...

Facts Matter (June 4): Emails Reveal Dr. Fauci’s Relationship with China; Funding of Wuhan...

Over 800 pages of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s emails—which is about 3,200 emails, spanning the course of 6 months—were recently made public. These emails reveal quite...

New York State No Longer Requires Masks in Schools, Camps

New York will no longer mandate masks in K-12 schools and camps statewide starting on Monday, with the decision on whether to keep the requirement to be left to local districts,...
Fauci not honest about COVID origin, says Adm. Brett Giroir

Fauci Lied About COVID-19 Origin in 2020: Adm. Brett Giroir

Former White House COVID-19 testing czar, Adm. Brett Giroir, has accused Dr. Fauci of lying last year about the origins of the CCP virus.

The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19’s Origins

Throughout 2020, the notion that the novel coronavirus leaked from a lab was off-limits. Those who dared to push for transparency say toxic politics...
Senator Josh Hawley

Senator Hawley Calls for Fauci Resignation, Full Investigation into COVID-19 Origins

WASHINGTON -- Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) called for Dr. Fauci's resignation following the release of his emails and recent investigative reporting regarding...

Pompeo Confirms Intense Opposition to Wuhan Lab Probe From State Department, Intelligence Bureaucracies

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed to The Epoch Times on June 3 that his efforts to get to the bottom of how...