Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

White House Responds After Thousands of Fauci’s Emails Dumped

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci is an “undeniable asset” amid the COVID-19 pandemic, coming after thousands...
COVID-19 Spike Protein

‘We Made a Big Mistake’ — COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Travels From Injection Site,...

Research obtained by a group of scientists shows the COVID vaccine spike protein can travel from the injection site and accumulate in organs and...
Dr. Francis Collins speaking on Hugh Hewitt Show

NIH Director Denies Rejecting Theory That CCP Virus Escaped From Lab

The director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on Wednesday denied rejecting the theory that the virus that causes COVID-19 escaped from a laboratory...

Biden Announces 5-Part Vaccine Effort to Have 70 Percent of Adults Jabbed by July...

President Joe Biden on Wednesday repeatedly called for Americans to drop their resistance to being vaccinated against the CCP virus while announcing the administration’s...
Dr. Fauci speaks at press briefing on Biden's 2nd day

Top GOP Lawmakers Demand Unredacted Fauci Emails, Want Him to Testify in Congress

Top House GOP lawmakers are now demanding the unredacted communications from Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, relating to...

Fauci in 2020: Masks From Drug Stores ‘Not Really Effective’ Against CCP Virus

A top U.S. medical adviser during the Trump and Biden administrations told a woman in early 2020 that masks one buys from drug stores had little...

Fauci Team Scrambled in January 2020 to Respond to Lab Leak Allegations, Emails Show

Top U.S. health officials, including Anthony Fauci, scrambled in late January 2020 to respond to public reporting of a potential connection between COVID-19 and the Wuhan...

Fauci’s upcoming book scrubbed on Amazon, Barnes & Noble amid backlash

White House coronavirus adviser and long-time U.S. infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci's upcoming book has been scrubbed from and altered on online listings,...
Dr. Francis Collins on Hugh Hewitt Show

WATCH IT: Anthony Fauci’s Boss, Dr. Francis Collins, Admits Funding Wuhan Lab

The Hugh Hewitt Show | June 2nd, 2021 Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the National Institute of Health, Anthony Fauci's boss, admits on the...

Israel Sees Probable Link Between Pfizer Vaccine and Rare Myocarditis Cases

JERUSALEM—Israel’s Health Ministry said on June 1 it had found the small number of heart inflammation cases observed mainly in young men who received...
Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

US Begins Study on Mixing COVID-19 Vaccines, Booster Shots

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced June 1 that it has started a clinical trial of adults fully vaccinated against COVID-19 receiving a different booster...

Fauci told Chinese official they would ‘get through this together,’ email reveals

Dr. Anthony Fauci corresponded with a Chinese health official early in the pandemic, acknowledging the “crazy people in this world” and vowing to “get...