Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

Watch How 60 Minutes Deceptively Edited Ron DeSantis’s Full Answer on Publix Vaccinations

CBS’s 60 Minutes alleged that Florida governor Ron DeSantis enlisted grocery chain Publix to help with coronavirus vaccine distribution because of a campaign contribution,...

‘Severely Flawed’: Cardiologist Criticizes FDA-Funded Study Suggesting Myocarditis, Pericarditis Risks from COVID-19 Vaccines

FDA funded Peer-reviewed study suggesting risks of myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccine is “severely flawed," days cardiologist.
Michele Bachmann discusses the WHO on War Room Pandemic

Bachmann: WHO Director Demanding “Sovereignty” of All Member Nations Due to “Climate Crisis”

Head of WHO told WHO attendees that the climate crisis is a health crisis and Michele Bachmann calls out the WHO agenda for being a push for global government.

Fauci Refuses to ‘Stop Funding Chinese’ Research With US Tax Dollars

Fauci unable to commit to stop federal funding to Chinese scientific research, despite U.S. intelligence assessing regime as top adversary.

Chinese Regime Intends to Have as Many People in China Infected as Possible: Sources

The Chinese Communist Party’s plan is to “let those who are destined to be infected get infected,” according to an official who viewed an internal document.
Pfizer Under the Microscope

Groups Lobbying for COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Were Funded by Pfizer

Multiple organizations that pushed for COVID-19 vaccine mandates received funding from Pfizer, according to financial disclosures.

California Lawmakers Dispute Gov. Newsom’s Use of Emergency Powers

In the wake of California’s continuation of a state of emergency, lawmakers are questioning Gov. Gavin Newsom’s use of power. “The Emergency Services Act is there to...

Texas Hospital Faces Closure Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate: CEO

The chief executive of a hospital in Texas warned that his facility faces closure after President Joe Biden’s announcement last week that most healthcare workers get...
COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment Protocols

COVID-19 Prophylaxis and Treatment Protocols

COVID-19 Prophylaxis (Prevention) Protocol Prophylaxis is an action taken to prevent or protect against a specified disease. Greek in origin, from the word "phylax", meaning...
Paul Alexander on War room Pandemic

Paul Alexander, PhD: The Mandates Are Moot; The Vaccine Has Failed

Canadian scientist Paul Alexander says that there is no reason for the crackdown on the truckers in Ottawa except for the government to maintain...
U.S. Department of Defense

KEI: COVID-19 Contracts

Knowledge Ecology International provides links to copies of the contracts entered into by the US government for technologies to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Vaccine

FDA Leaders, Other Scientists Say Most People Don’t Need Vaccine Boosters

An international group of vaccine experts, including officials from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and World Health Organization (WHO), said that there is...