Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

EXCLUSIVE: Hospital With 1st COVID Vaccine Mandate in United States Not Requiring Updated Booster

First hospital in U.S. mandating health care workers get COVID-19 vaccine is not requiring updated booster shot after staffing shortages.

Proposed State Law Would Make It Illegal to Request a Person’s Vaccine Status

A newly proposed South Carolina law would make it illegal for certain institutions to ask a person for their COVID-19 vaccination status. “The government has no place in making...

Fauci Agency Knew Chinese Authorities Were Withholding COVID-19 Data in January 2020, Documents Show

The U.S. State Department and the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) were aware in January 2020 that Chinese authorities were...
Wenstrup Clashes With EcoHealth Alliance President Over Connection With Wuhan Institute Of Virology

HHS Suspends Funding and Proposes Formal Debarment of EcoHealth Alliance, Cites Evidence from COVID...

HHS to formally debar EcoHealth Alliance and commence official debarment proceedings and a government-wide suspension of U.S. taxpayer funds to EcoHealth.

Doctors report hydroxychloroquine has over 90% chance to cure coronavirus patients

Check out all this articles about hydroxychloroquine (English and Swedish language) Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread Chloroquine is a...

Study Finds Ivermectin ‘Did Not Prevent’ Severe COVID-19, but Doctors Alliance Calls It ‘Misleading’

A peer-reviewed study in which researchers concluded that ivermectin treatment during early COVID-19 “did not prevent” severe disease in high-risk patients has been criticized by...

Fauci’s Agency Scrambled to Answer Questions on Changing Remdesivir Trial Endpoint: Emails

Dr. Anthony Fauci and top officials at the agency he heads scrambled in April 2020 to answer questions about altering the endpoint in a trial testing...

18 Cases of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination Reported in Connecticut

A single state has recorded 18 cases of myocarditis in people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. All of the cases in Connecticut required hospitalization. Acting Health Commissioner...
World Health Organization (WHO)ion

WHO Outlines Strategy to End Global COVID-19 Emergency in 2022

The World Health Organization on Wednesday unveiled an updated plan for COVID-19 that, if implemented “rapidly and consistently” this year, will allow the world to end the...

Growing Number of Companies and Organizations Are Walking Back Vaccination Requirements

More and more businesses in recent days have walked back previous rules mandating COVID-19 as a condition for employment in a bid to keep workers. Earlier this...

FDA Authorizes Antibody Cocktail as COVID-19 Prevention Treatment

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized a monoclonal antibody cocktail as a measure to prevent infection in some groups of people who...
Pfizer Crimes Against Humanity

Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide

Recently Naomi Wolf had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that a genocide, a “baby die-off”, is underway.