Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

Texas, Indiana, Oklahoma to End Federal Unemployment Benefits in June

Texas, Indiana, and Oklahoma on Monday announced that they will be joining a growing number of GOP-led states in ending the expanded federal unemployment benefits that were implemented during...

Ben Carson on coronavirus pandemic: We can’t operate out of hysteria

On The Breaking Story, HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson addresses the White House coronavirus response as the number of cases begins to shrink.
"Rogan Was Right" - Chris Cuomo BLASTS CNN's Attack of Joe Rogan For Taking Ivermectin

Chris Cuomo Backtracks on Vaccine Injury Suggestion, Touts Ivermectin

Chris Cuomo has backtracked after suggesting he was injured by a COVID-19 vaccine, saying he actually has so-called long COVID.
Dr. Fauci on guidelines for physical distancing: What we are doing is working

6-Foot Social Distancing Rule During COVID Not Based On Scientific Evidence, Ex-NIH Director Testifies

Newly released testimony from Dr. Francis Collins indicates there was a lack of scientific evidence for six-foot social distancing rule of COVID-19 restrictions.
How The Covid-19 Vaccine Injected Billions Into Big Pharma—And Made Its Executives Very Rich

Musk Says COVID Shot ‘Almost Sent Me to Hospital,’ Says He’d Go to Prison...

Elon Musk revealed he took multiple COVID-19 vaccines so he could travel during pandemic restrictions and after his third shot, he nearly ended up hospitalized.

New York Mayor Says City Plans to ‘Fully Reopen’ on July 1

NEW YORK—New York City aims to “fully reopen” on July 1 after more than a year of closures and capacity restrictions, Mayor Bill de...
Todd Bensman of the Center For Immigration Studies

Todd Bensman – Federal Judge Reverses Biden’s No Deportation Policy, Deportation Free Zone

Todd Bensman talks about ruling by fed. judge in TX overturning Biden admin policy preventing deporting all illegal aliens including criminals.
Targeting COVID-19

The Unexpected Battle Between Vaccines and the COVID Virus

Humans appear to be fighting a never-ending battle against COVID-19 using vaccines that have so far been ineffective against the constantly mutating variants.

Illinois Bill Would Require Blood Donors to Disclose COVID Vaccination Status

Illinois legislation would allow individuals to know whether they’re receiving blood from an individual vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine or other mRNA vaccine.
No Vaccine Mandates

Dozens of Death Certificates List COVID-19 Vaccination as Cause of Death

Dozens of people were killed by COVID-19 vaccines in U.S. death certificates show. COVID-19 vaccination is listed on 26 death certificates across five states.
DNA genetics biotechnology mRNA vaccine human medicine

FDA Fails to Address DNA Adulteration Concerns

Dr. Peter Marks of FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research has resorted to redirecting, gaslighting, and stonewalling Surgeon General of State of FL.
New England Journal of Medicine

‘Healthy Vaccinee Bias’ May Have Led to Inflated Efficacy Claims of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Booster,...

Letter to the Editor published in NEJM doctors stated that a 2021 Israeli study on Pfizer’s COVID-19 booster may have overestimated the vaccine’s effectiveness.