Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

Veterans Affairs Kept COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate in Place Without Evidence

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reviewed no data when deciding in 2023 to keep its COVID-19 vaccine mandate in place.
Donald Trump

Mask Mandate Return Sparks ‘We Will Not Comply’ Trend

People on social media have declared "we will not comply" with COVID-19 mask mandates as hospitals and businesses have moved to reinstate rules in recent weeks.
Exhibit 5 | Millennials Suffered Rapid and Record Rate of Excess Deaths in Fall '21

Analysis of Adverse Mortality Trends in U.S. Using Age Stratified CDC Excess Mortality

Even post-COVID, there's been a historic spike in sudden deaths among younger Americans. What is going on, and what is causing this? SMOKING GUNS Millennial Excess...
Wuhan Lab Leak Truth

Rolling Back the Curtain on the Wuhan Lab Leak- Bait and Switch

In a conference call on Feb 1, 2020, Fauci and Collins were warned COVID-19 may have leaked from lab in Wuhan and may have been intentionally genetically manipulated.
How do blood transfusions work? - Bill Schutt

Researchers Concerned About Blood Transfusions From Vaccinated and Long-COVID Patients, Propose Changes: Preprint

Doctors believe there should be a protocol to check donated blood for vaccine mRNA, spike proteins, spike antibodies, and abnormal health markers which should be removed.
Muddy Waters: The Origins of COVID-19 Report

Investigating COVID-19 Origins: Muddy Waters with Dr. Robert Kadlec

The preponderance of circumstantial evidence supports the hypothesis that an unintentional research-related incident initiated the COVID-19 pandemic.

Heart Scarring Detected Over 1 Year After COVID-19 Vaccination: Studies

Heart scarring was detected more than a year after COVID-19 vaccination in some people who suffered myocarditis following a shot, researchers reported.
Wuhan Institute of Virology Main Entrance

Why This Researcher Thinks the Next Pandemic May Be Nipah, Developed by China

After COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Quay fears the next pandemic could be magnitudes more deadly if risky research on Nipah virus at WIV continues unabated.

CCP Reintroduces COVID-19 Mask, Vaccination Mandates, While Reporting Fewer Deaths Amid Pneumonia Outbreak

Authorities have readopted COVID-19 control measures but avoid mention of the disease. The sudden death of a vaccine ambassador has attracted attention.
Scrutinize the CDC

EXCLUSIVE: CDC Drafted Alert for Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccines, but Never Sent It

CDC prepared to alert state and local officials to an emerging connection between heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccines, but did not send the alert.
Sherri Tenpenny testifies during the Ohio Health Committee Hearing

Doctor Plans to Sue Medical Board That Suspended Her License

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny will fight license suspension for her response to State Medical Board of Ohio investigation into her critical comments on COVID-19 vaccines.
Pfizer: Science Will Win

CDC Officials Investigating Nervous System Disorder in New Vaccine Recipients

CDC officials said they are investigating a link between a neurological disorder in older Americans and newly approved respiratory syncytial virus vaccines RSV).