Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

DNA Contaminants in COVID Vaccines Are ‘Beyond the Pale’: Florida Surgeon General Explains the...

FSG Dr. Joseph Ladapo issued a statement calling for halt in use of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, citing recent discovery of DNA contaminants in vaccine vials.
Center For Disease Control

CDC streamlines COVID-19 guidance to help the public better protect themselves and understand their...

CDC announcing natural immunity exists, vaccine-induced immunity wanes, and no segregation between vaccinated and unvaccinated should exist.
Robert Malone War Room

Dr. Robert Malone: The CDC Voted Unanimously To Recommend The Covid-19 Vaccine For Children...

Dr. Robert Malone and Naomi Wolf talk to host Steve Bannon about the latest decision by the CDC to recommend the Covid-19 vaccine for children as young as 5.
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

RNA-Based Vaccine Technology: The Trojan Horse Didn’t Contain mRNA

RNA-based vaccine technology utilizes modified RNA (modRNA), not mRNA. This applies to COVID-19 vaccines and all vaccines now in research and development stages.
Kids wearing masks in school

Americans Divided as Mask Mandates Make a Comeback Amid COVID-19 Surge

Schools and companies have reinstated mask mandates as COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations increase, causing divisions over how to limit spread of coronavirus.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in White Oak, Md., on June 5, 2023

FDA System Unable to Identify Risk of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination: Agency

FDA could not provide information on a confirmed side effect of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, heart inflammation, according to a newly disclosed document.
U.S. Department of Defense

Behind the Scenes of the Natural Origin Narrative

Events in 2020 suggests Fauci and small group of scientists sought to promote the natural origins theory as means to avoid public scrutiny of COVID-19 lab leak.
Jacob Clynick vaccine card

CDC Ends COVID-19 Vaccination Cards

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is phasing out its COVID-19 vaccination cards, according to an Oct. 4 update on the agency's website.

Most Infected in COVID Outbreak at CDC Conference Were Vaccinated, Agency Confirms

A COVID-19 outbreak unfolded at a conference held by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) despite most attendees being vaccinated.
Stop Mask Mandates

People Rarely Transmit COVID-19 Before Experiencing Symptoms: Lancet Study

In blow to COVID-19 “silent spreader” narrative a study published in The Lancet suggests people who are non-symptomatic rarely have ability to infect others.
Joe Rogan Experience

Joe Rogan Makes Surprise Offer to Vaccine Scientist

Joe Rogan on offered vaccine scientist Peter Hotez $100,000 to the charity of his choice if he would debate 2024 Democratic presidential Robert F. Kennedy Jr..

Djokovic Says He’s Not Anti-Vaccine, But ‘Pro-Freedom to Choose’

“People tried to, you know, declare me as an anti-vax. I'm not anti-vax. Nor I am pro-vax. I'm pro-freedom to choose,” Mr. Novak Djokovic said.