Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

Overreporting COVID-19 as an Underlying Cause of Death Inflated Mortality Numbers During Pandemic: Analysis

Overreporting COVID-19 as an Underlying Cause of Death Inflated Mortality Numbers During Pandemic: Analysis

Analysis suggests COVID-19 was over reported as underlying cause of death, inflating COVID-19 mortality numbers and attributing deaths from other causes to virus.
vaccine effectiveness in the elderly in Japan: A retrospective cohort study using large-scale population-based registry data

Influenza Vaccine Fails to Stop Hospitalization and Death

Large Japanese study shows no benefit on hard outcomes Influenza vaccination has become a mainstay in American medicine largely as a measure to protect the...
Footage from the Wuhan Institute of Virology

US-Funded Experiments in China Could Secretly Manipulate Viruses: Email

Experiments in China funded by the U.S. government could manipulate coronaviruses and leave no trace, according to newly disclosed emails.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in White Oak, Md., on June 5, 2023

FDA Finds Safety Signals for Updated COVID-19 Vaccines

Updated COVID-19 vaccines may cause heart inflammation and severe allergic shock, according to a new study from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Only Second Human Case Of Bird Flu In U.S. As Global Virus Expands—Here’s What To Know

US ‘Looking Closely’ at Vaccinating Workers Exposed to Bird Flu: Official

U.S. government is “looking closely” at vaccinating farm workers and others in close contact with the Bird Flu virus, says Dawn O'Connell of the ASPR.
Wenstrup Clashes With EcoHealth Alliance President Over Connection With Wuhan Institute Of Virology

HHS Suspends Funding and Proposes Formal Debarment of EcoHealth Alliance, Cites Evidence from COVID...

HHS to formally debar EcoHealth Alliance and commence official debarment proceedings and a government-wide suspension of U.S. taxpayer funds to EcoHealth.
Problems After COVID-19 Vaccination More Prevalent Among Naturally Immune: Study

Problems After COVID-19 Vaccination More Prevalent Among Naturally Immune: Study

People who recovered from COVID-19 and received a COVID-19 shot were more likely to suffer adverse reactions, researchers in Europe are reporting.
Local Mayo Clinic employees protest COVID-19 vaccine mandate

COVID-19 Vaccine Litigation Against Mayo Clinic Revived by Federal Court

Fired workers suing Mayo Clinic have plausibly pleaded their religious beliefs conflict with clinic’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate U.S. Court of Appeals ruled.
Fibrous Clots Foreign Matter In Blood of Vaxed

AstraZeneca Begins Worldwide Withdrawal of COVID-19 Vaccine

Removal of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine authorization comes after company admitted in court doc that shot “can, in very rare cases, cause” blood clots.
COVID-19 testing in Santa Ana, Calif., on Aug. 25, 2021.

CDC Drops 5-Day Isolation Requirement for COVID-19 As Pandemic Threat Wanes

CDC says people who test positive for COVID-19 don’t need to isolate for 5 days as it's become similar to—and in some cases less severe than—the common flu.
World Health Organization (WHO)ion

Stuck on Failure at the WHO

Same governments and international organizations that lied about the last pandemic are negotiating a new pandemic agreement and amendments to IHR at the WHO.
Kidney Complications

28 Types of Kidney Complications Reported Following COVID-19 Vaccination

Despite their relative rarity, kidney disorders occurring after COVID-19 vaccination haven’t received the attention they warrant.