Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

Rome Italy

Physicians Declaration Global Covid Summit – Rome, Italy

UPDATE: as of 5pm ET on 10/2 over 9,100 doctors & scientists have signed the Rome Declaration. International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists We the...

COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Myocarditis–A Proven Cause of Death?

COVID-19 vaccination is highly prevalent and linked to heart inflammation and myocarditis and sudden adult death syndrome is a consequence of myocarditis.

The Endgame of Birx & Fauci with Alex Berenson

Steve Deace talks with former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson about his yeoman's work in uncovering what the data really says about COVID-19...

Latin America’s Vaccine Rejection Stems From Sterilization, Experiments

In Latin America, vaccine resistance efforts persist despite continued pressure for governments to vaccinate populations against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus. Low vaccination rates, in part, are the result...

Canada’s Trudeau Revokes Use of Emergencies Act

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today that he is revoking the use of the Emergencies Act, saying the situation is no longer an emergency. Trudeau defended...
F*ck Trudeau

‘I don’t think the mainstream media know how to tell the truth’

Trudeau claimed those who oppose measures like vaccine passports were a fringe minority, but numbers of protestors prove him wrong.
Scrutinize the CDC

CDC Bought Phone Data to Monitor Americans’ Compliance With Lockdowns, Contracts Show

CDC purchased data from tracking companies to monitor compliance with lockdowns, according to contracts with firms, paying one firm $420,000 and another $208,000.

Franklin Graham’s response to coronavirus

Premier's Group Head of News, Marcus Jones, talks to Evangelist Franklin Graham about how his ministry is coping with the current threat of the coronavirus in America and around the world.

Video Playlist: The Invisible Enemy: 5 Part Mini-Documentary on Behind the Scenes Handling of...

The Senate Republican Conference on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 began the release of a five-part mini-documentary series on the Coronavirus pandemic with the goal...
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

Public Trust in Science Shattered by Official Pandemic Response: Dr. Bhattacharya

Trust in science has been severely impacted by the actions taken by health officials and scientists in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Public trust has...

Hundreds of Southwest Workers Protest COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates at Airline’s Headquarters

Hundreds of Southwest Airlines employees protested outside the carrier’s headquarters in Dallas against the pending COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

COVID-19-Infected HIV Patient Developed 21 Mutations: Study

A South African woman suffering from “poorly controlled” HIV who also had COVID-19 for nine months saw the CCP virus develop at least 21 mutations while in her...