Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

New and Recurrent Cancers After MRNA Vaccines, Studies Suggest Immune Changes

What Current Research Shows Us The current research suggests the COVID shots altered the innate immune system, which is likely to alter the adaptive immune...

9 in 10 COVID Deaths Are in Vaccinated People: Report

A report released by UK government confirmed that 9 out of every 10 deaths related to COVID-19 are found in those who are fully vaccinated.

Growing Number of Experts Call on US Government to Recognize Natural Immunity

CDC vaccination schedule should incorporate prior infection, experts say A growing number of experts are urging the U.S. government to formally recognize natural immunity, or the...

‘Rogue’ Chinese Virologist Publishes “Smoking Gun” Evidence COVID-19 Created In Lab

Chinese virologist, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, appeared on TV claiming SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, was created by Chinese scientists in a lab.
CoronaVirus Vaccine

Why a Philosophical Exemption From Vaccine Requirements Protects Individual Freedom and Parental Rights

Parental rights are being threatened by democrats and leftists across America and it is imperative that Republican governors step up and protect parental rights and...
Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

‘Much Brighter Than Before:’ COVID-19 Cases Plunge Across US

COVID-19 case counts have dropped across the United States in recent days, stoking optimism that the Omicron-fueled wave is subsiding. Thirty-four states have recorded a decrease...

More Good News on Ivermectin

Another drug more useful than HCQ is ivermectin. Ivermectin is on WHO's list of essential drugs, but its benefits are being ignored also.

California County COVID-19 Death Toll Lowered by 400 After Counting Method Change

The number of COVID-19 deaths in Alameda County, California, fell by about 25 percent after health officials changed their methodology for total mortality count, removing deaths that...
Sens. Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum

Oregon Senators Call for Investigation Into Alleged COVID-19 Statistical Manipulation

Oregon state Sens. Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum, both Republicans, have petitioned Acting U.S. Attorney Scott E. Asphaug to launch a grand jury investigation into the measurement...
Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccine Can Trigger Acute Hepatitis: Case Report

Recent case report about man who received an mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine suggests taking the vaccine “may trigger immune-mediated hepatitis."

Project Veritas Investigations into FDA Vaccine Approvals

James O’Keefe talks about his new investigative report, featuring hidden camera footage of an FDA official talking about the goal of annual vaccinations for...

‘Think Twice Before You Vaccinate Your Kids,’ Dr. Robert Malone Warns Parents on COVID-19...

Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist and immunologist who has contributed significantly to the technology of mRNA vaccines, issued a strong caution for those who seek...