Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

J & J Covid-19 Vaccine

J&J Vaccine Possibly Linked to Two More Serious Health Conditions, EU Regulator Finds

The European Union’s drug regulator on Oct. 1 recommended updating the label for Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine with warnings for two more serious health conditions...
Chinese Communist Party and WHO could have helped prevent COVID-19 pandemic

China and WHO could have helped prevent COVID-19 pandemic: congressional report

The coronavirus pandemic might have been prevented if not for Chinese cover-ups in the early days of the outbreak and the World Health Organization...
Physicians Asst. Whistleblower Deborah Conrad

Physician Assistant Fired for Reporting COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events to VAERS

For reporting injuries to VAERS and educating others in hospital system on doing the same, PA Deborah Conrad was labeled an anti-vaxxer and fired from her job.

Victory for New York Health Workers Suing Over Religious Objections to New York Vaccine...

On October 12, 2021, United States District Judge David N. Hurd granted a preliminary injunction to seventeen medical health professionals who hold religious objections...

‘I Woke Up in Hong Kong’: Canadian Pastor Arthur Pawlowski Speaks After Release

Canadian pastor Arthur Pawlowski, who was arrested Saturday for allegedly violating public health orders by holding church services during the pandemic, said he felt like...
Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD is calling for a halt to the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Florida State Surgeon General Calls for Halt in the Use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

On Jan. 3, 2024, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo called for halt to use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines due to concerns regarding nucleic acid contaminants.
Child Vaccine Disaster on Facts Matter

Dr. Mercola: CDC Got Caught Hiding Data, ‘Beyond Shocking’ Vaccine Guidance for Toddlers

Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses how the 1910 Flexner Report forced the crack down on the ability of physicians to practice holistic medicine.
WHO Pandemic Treaty Would “Institutionalize Lockdown Policies”

Amidst Growing Resistance, the WHO Turns Up Heat on Members to Sign Pandemic Treaty

As deadline approaches for 194 member nations of WHO to sign agreements granting it new powers, advocates are turning up heat for members to get on board.
Marjorie Taylor Greene on War Room

So Many Problems In This Country Come Back To Dr. Fauci

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene talks to host Steve Bannon about the misguided guidance by Dr. Anthony Fauci on the Covid pandemic. “I’m just happy to...
Philadelphia Rally Exposes Communism’s Atrocities and Calls for CCP’s Disintegration

Philadelphia Rally Exposes Communism’s Atrocities and Calls for CCP’s Disintegration

Dozens of people rallied in Philadelphia’s Chinatown on Aug. 8, with a theme to expose the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s atrocities and raise awareness of...

More young Americans are dying – and it’s not COVID. Why aren’t we searching...

Life insurance actuaries are reporting more people are dying – still – than in the years before the pandemic. This new wave is hitting prime-of-life people hard.

Paul Kingsnorth: why I changed sides in the vaccine wars

Paul Kingsnorth sees the vaccine wars as symptomatic of a bigger division between two fundamentally different world views: he calls them “thesis” and “antithesis.”...