Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

Fauci’s Agency Scrambled to Answer Questions on Changing Remdesivir Trial Endpoint: Emails

Dr. Anthony Fauci and top officials at the agency he heads scrambled in April 2020 to answer questions about altering the endpoint in a trial testing...
Unbelievable blood clots: video from embalmer Richard Hirschman

My offer to share videos and blood clot tissue samples from multiple embalmers with...

I want everyone to know that every time they have been offered to see evidence of harm, they refuse to see it. This is...
Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci

Explosive Video Shows Peter Daszak Describing ‘Chinese Colleagues’ Developing ‘Killer’ Coronaviruses

EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak – who collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on research funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of...

New COVID Variant To Omicron Allegedly Found In China — 13 Million Forced To...

Foreign editor Ben Harnwell reports from Rome (with a mask due to new health rules!) on the lockdown of the city of Xi’an in...
Headwind The Debate Malone vs Bossche

Headwind —The Debate: Dr. Robert Malone vs. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

Malone and Bossche debate path virus will take, virulent strains vaccine boosting will produce, and unnecessary vaccination of children.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan University of Hong Kong ID

Chinese virologist accuses Beijing of coronavirus cover-up as she flees Hong Kong

Li-Meng Yan told Fox News that she believes China knew about the coronavirus well before it claimed it did. She says her supervisors also...
A nurse holds a phial of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

FDA Panel Votes Against Pfizer’s COVID Booster for Everyone, Recommends It for People 65...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory panel on Friday voted 16–3 to recommend against providing booster shots of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for individuals...
Ben Harnwell on War Room Pandemic

Harnwell: CCP Shuttering Buildings With People Inside

The “War Room’s” International Editor Ben Harnwell reports on the panic in Beijing as Omicron is discovered in that city just days before the...

Not Going to Be a ‘Punching Bag’ for the Police: Freedom Convoy Spokesman Announces...

OTTAWA—As police in Ottawa escalated operations for the second day in a row against the trucker protest opposed to the government’s COVID-19 mandates, a spokesperson for...

Dying COVID-19 Patient Recovers After Court Orders Hospital to Administer Ivermectin

An elderly COVID-19 patient has recovered after a court order allowed him to be treated with ivermectin, despite objections from the hospital in which...

24 States Sue Biden Admin Over COVID-19 Mandates for Children, Staff in ‘Head Start’...

Attorneys general (AG) from 24 states have filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration challenging COVID-19 vaccine mandates for early education staff, and mask...

Congress is investigating whether the 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan was a covid-19...

In October 2019, more than 9,000 international athletes from more than 100 countries traveled to Wuhan, China — and many of them later got sick with...