Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

The ‘Unvaccinated Are Unclean’ Compilation

We will forbear the impulse to retaliate, but we won't forget this revolting mixture of atavism, lying, and cheap virtue signaling During periods of peace...

Zero Young Healthy Individuals Died of COVID-19, Israeli Data Show

Zero healthy individuals under the age of 50 have died of COVID-19 according to the Israel Ministry of Health in a response to a formal request from an attorney.
Michele Bachmann discusses the WHO on War Room Pandemic

Bachmann: WHO Director Demanding “Sovereignty” of All Member Nations Due to “Climate Crisis”

Head of WHO told WHO attendees that the climate crisis is a health crisis and Michele Bachmann calls out the WHO agenda for being a push for global government.
Brianne Dressen, co-chair of React19

COVID Vaccine-Injured Sue Biden Administration Over Censorship

Woman who suffered severe nerve damage after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination and others with COVID-19 vaccine injuries launched lawsuit against Biden and admin.

Live Sovereignty Coalition Press Conference: Get the US out of the W.H.O.

Rep. Ralph Norman and other Reps, Frank Gaffney, Reggie Littlejohn, Brigitte Gabriel, Jenny Beth Martin, Kevin Freeman, and others call for US to exit WHO.
The Pentagon Washington D.C.

EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Pentagon Report Forensically Dismantled Fauci-Led Natural Origin Study

Researchers at DoD wrote devastating takedown of Proximal Origin study, which was used by Dr. Anthony Fauci as proof that COVID-19 virus had come from nature. 
ONE HEALTH: The W.H.O.’s Dangerous New Ideology

ONE HEALTH: The W.H.O.’s Dangerous New Ideology

Is WHO's “One Health” approach to optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems, or is it a power grab to exert control over life on earth? 
vaccine effectiveness in the elderly in Japan: A retrospective cohort study using large-scale population-based registry data

Influenza Vaccine Fails to Stop Hospitalization and Death

Large Japanese study shows no benefit on hard outcomes Influenza vaccination has become a mainstay in American medicine largely as a measure to protect the...
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Drops Near Zero Within Months: Study

The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines fell below 20 percent a few months after vaccination, with booster shots seeing effectiveness drop below 30 percent.
Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine

FDA Overhaul Needed for New Vaccines and mRNA Therapies

This series reveals emerging concerns about mRNA injections related to lipid nanoparticles, spike protein, and vaccine contamination as public docs are released.

FDA Issues Emergency Warning for 500,000 COVID Tests

The FDA issued warning to consumers to stop using a certain COVID-19 at-home test due to potential for bacterial contamination in the product’s liquid solution.
Scrutinize the CDC

CDC Officials Make False Statements About Possible COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

U.S. CDC officials made multiple false statements regarding possible COVID-19 vaccine side effects, continuing mis- and disinformation from public health agency.