Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

Devi Sridhar and Bill Gates Chat

Vaccines Not Durable, Omicron Might Turn COVID-19 Endemic: Bill Gates

Bill Gates, in a Twitter discussion Tuesday, said that the current COVID-19 vaccines were missing two key factors, and claimed that Omicron might bring...

Health Care Workers Speak Out on Why They Would Rather Lose Their Jobs Than...

Despite the COVID-19 vaccines having been promoted as safe and effective by legacy media, many health care workers are refusing to take them, and those who...
12-15 Adolescent Trial: All Risk, No Benefit

“We’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start...

So, let's look at the evidence. “We’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the...
COVID-19 Face Masks On The Street

The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?

Scientific studies conducted on efficacy of masks for reducing spread COVID-19 shows "There is just no evidence that they" -- masks -- "make any difference."
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

SCOTUS Ruling on Health Care Vaccine Mandate a ‘Big Mistake,’ Stanford Professor Says

The U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Thursday allowing the Biden administration to continue mandating COVID-19 vaccines for most health care workers is “really unfortunate” and a “big mistake”...

CDC Grant Program Spends $5,000 Per Shot to Convince Minorities to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

GAINESVILLE, Fla.—Fleets of specially equipped, federally funded buses are rolling into targeted areas with the mission of convincing people to get the COVID-19 vaccine...
UCI medical staff receives a COVID-19 vaccination

35,000 Americans Getting Symptomatic COVID-19 per Week Despite Being Vaccinated: CDC

Some 35,000 vaccinated Americans are getting infected with COVID-19 every week, according to a recent estimate from a top U.S. health agency. While the COVID-19 vaccines reduce...
Some Embalmers Say White, Fibrous Clots Showing Up; Others Say It's a Conspiracy Theory

Some Embalmers Say White, Fibrous Clots Showing Up; Others Say It’s a Conspiracy Theory

Some embalmers say that starting in 2021, they began seeing an "anomaly" during that process—a phenomenon of long, rubbery, white masses inside blood vessels.
David Freiheit on War Room

The Free Republic of Truckistan Has Now Been Formed

Attorney David Freiheit is a popular YouTuber who is following the Freedom Convoy in Canada. Check out his Viva Frei podcasts here. Today he gave...
An illustration of the virus that causes the COVID-19 disease.

The Africa Advantage: Real Reasons ‘Underdeveloped Countries’ Unaffected by COVID

According to WHO’s COVID-19 Dashboard, there have been 9 million confirmed cases and 173,900 deaths from COVID in Africa as of July 2022.

Floridians Demand DeSantis Veto Bill Extending Immunity to Hospitals Treating COVID-19 Patients

A growing contingent of people concerned about how hospitals treat COVID-19 is calling on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to veto a bill the Republican Party is quickly pushing...
Center For Disease Control

EXCLUSIVE: CDC Admits It Gave False Information About COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance

CDC gave false info about COVID-19 vaccine surveillance, including inaccurately saying it conducted analysis before it actually did.