Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

COVID-19 Vaccinations for Children Under 16

Authors Conclude ‘Relatively Safe’ as Dozens of Children Die After COVID-19 Vaccination

My conclusion is that COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe for human use and one child lost after injection is one too many. They must be pulled off the market.
No Vaccine Mandates

Another Biden Administration COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Struck Down by Court

Biden’s admin did not have the authority to impose a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on workers and volunteers in a federal childcare program, a U.S. judge has ruled.
The American Sovereignty Declaration

New ‘Sovereignty Coalition’ Unveils Campaign to Prevent the Surrender of American Freedom

Seeks US Removal from a Dangerous World Health Organization on Steroids WASHINGTON — A remarkable, non-partisan group of patriotic, public policy-minded leaders, organizations and individuals will...
COVID-19 Vaccinated worse of than Unvaccinated

Analysis: COVID Vaccines Caused 300,000 Excess Deaths in 2022 Alone

Every day Dr. McCullough and I speak to people who have been injured—or have a family member who has been killed—by one of the...

Covid origins debate intensifies as China releases new Wuhan market analysis

There was “convincing evidence” that Sars-Cov-2 was spreading at Wuhan market in Jan 2020, but no virus was found in 457 animal swabs taken from 18 species at market.
COVID-19 Vaccinations for Children Under 16

COVID vaccines are not needed for healthy kids and teens, says WHO

Healthy children and teens likely don’t need COVID-19 vaccinations, according to updated guidance posted on the website of the WHO on March 28, 2023.
Nurse Receives COVID-19 Vaccine

Risk of Cardiac Death Tripled for Young Women Following AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

The risk of sudden cardiac death in young women more than tripled following an AstraZeneca COVID-19 shot, according to a study using England’s official data.
These Numbers Look Horrific

‘These Numbers Look Horrific’: Work Absence Rates Are Off the Charts — And It’s...

“Something’s going on with our workforce that we’ve never seen before. And it’s gone so far above trend — it’s a health concern,” explains Edward Dowd.
Australia Map

Are Pandemic-Related Excess Deaths Due to COVID or Vaccines? Depends on Who’s Counting (Part...

We Identify the root cause of excess deaths, whether from COVID-19 or non-COVID-19 causes, such as vaccine adverse events or public health restrictions.
Scrutinize the CDC

EXCLUSIVE: CDC Found COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signals Months Earlier Than Previously Known, Files Show

The top U.S. public health agency identified hundreds of safety signals for the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines months earlier than previously known.

‘It’s All Being Covered Up’: Sen. Ron Johnson on Missing Batch of Fauci Emails,...

In this interview with Sen. Ron Johnson, we discuss what he sees as a global push for mass vaccination and a concerted effort to suppress early treatment.
Spc. Kailee Soares

Air Force Pilot Who Objects to All Vaccines for Religious Reasons Fears Punishment

Air Force pilot who has sought a religious exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine, and all other vaccines, expects he will face punishment for refusing vaccination.