Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

Congress Prepares to Investigate COVID-19 Vaccines

Congressional members of the Select Subcommittee on Coronavirus Pandemic are preparing to probe COVID-19 vaccine development and other issues related to shots.
Influenza Vaccine

Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Under 50 Percent This Season: CDC Data

Influenza vaccine effectiveness was under 50 percent this season, according to preliminary data from the CDC, though a smaller study arrived at higher estimates.

EXCLUSIVE: Senator Accuses FAA of Ignoring Potential Vaccine Dangers to Pilots

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) is expressing dismay over how the FAA responded to his questions about the agency’s handling of pilot health issues.
World Health Organization (WHO)

Republican Senators Push Back Against Accord Giving WHO Power Over US Pandemic Response

Republican senators want congressional power to authorize treaties as terms giving Who centralized authority over U.S. policy in case of a pandemic are negotiated.
World Health Organization (WHO)

Sounding the Alarm Over the WHO’s Attack on American Taxpayers and Sovereignty…

Navarro sounds alarm over meeting at WHO dragging U.S. deeper into corrupt world body, burdening taxpayers, and ceding American sovereignty to CCP controlled WHO.

Study Finds Severe Monkeypox Disease Mostly in Men With Advanced HIV

An especially severe form of monkeypox has been found by researchers to have a higher risk of severe complications and death among men with advanced HIV or AIDS
Ed Dowd on Bannon's War Room

Ed Dowd: Rate Of ‘Serious Adverse Events’ Closely Tracks Spike In Post-Vax Disabilities

Edward Dowd looks at the rate of serious adverse events and how it closely tracks spike in post-vax disabilities.

Florida Surgeon General Warns Life-Threatening VAERS Reports up 4,400 Percent Since COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

SG Joseph Ladapo is sounding alarm about a 4,400% increase in life-threatening conditions in Florida reported to VAERS since 2021 rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.
Covid /Covid Vaccine Resource Portal

Covid/Covid Vaccine Resource Portal: The Red Pill Pack Series

The Red Pill Starter Pack has links to telehealth Covid, Vax Injury and Shedding Literate Medical Pros, treatment protocols and essential info for vaxd or unvaxd.
World Health Organization (WHO)

Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies

Biden admin is to sign up U.S. to a “legally binding” accord with WHO that would give UN subsidiary authority to dictate America’s policies during a pandemic.

Pandemic Round 2: The CCP Is Using the WHO to Implement Worldwide Tyranny

CCP and the WHO are setting the stage for the next pandemic. And this time, they plan to establish a global communist superstate, bypassing national sovereignty.

NFL Players’ Association Urged to Screen for Heart Issues Over Vaccine Side Effects

The NFL Players’ Association is being urged to offer players cardiac screening in light of the growing concern over COVID-19 vaccines causing heart inflammation.