Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

Dr. Robert Malone on COVID-19 Vaccine

Part 3: Doctor: Public lacks access to info on vax risks

This is the third and final part of my interview with Dr. Robert Malone, one of the first scientists in the world to publish...

PCR Sales Soared in Wuhan Before 1st Official COVID-19 Cases Publicized: Report

Spending on tests to detect the novel coronavirus soared in Wuhan, China, several months before the first official reporting of COVID-19 cases, suggesting the...

Heart Drug Shows Promise for COVID-19

An inexpensive heart medication can treat COVID respiratory complications, study finds One of the hardest things about testing positive for COVID-19 is that conventional Western...

Experts demand CDC reveal the science behind mask U-turn after Fauci claimed vaccinated people...

Experts are calling on the CDC to release the data underlying its recent backtrack on mask guidance Vaccinated people infected with the Indian 'Delta' variant...
Melle Stewart Sues AstraZeneca

Actress Sues AstraZeneca After COVID-19 Jab Leaves Her With Brain Injuries

An Australian theatre star and vaccination advocate is suing AstraZeneca claiming she had a life-threatening stroke after taking the company’s vaccine.
Covid-19 Delta Plus Variant

Most Recovered COVID-19 Patients Have Broad, Robust Immunity That Likely Provides Some Protection Against...

Most people who have recovered from COVID-19, even with mild illness, retain a broad and durable immunity to the disease, including some degree of protection against...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Logo

Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccination Against Delta Virus Variant: Study

Protection from prior COVID-19 infection was better than the protection from COVID-19 vaccines against the Delta virus variant, according to a new study published by the...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in White Oak, Md., on June 5, 2023

FDA Document on Moderna Vaccine Approval Removed From Agency’s Website

A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) document explaining why the agency approved Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine was removed from the agency’s website overnight. The Summary Basis for Regulatory Action...

Biden admin says it will not halt firing employees seeking vax exemptions before a...

The attorney for the plaintiffs said the Biden administration has shown 'an unprecedented, cavalier attitude toward the rule of law' A Washington, D.C., district court judge...

Finally, States Are Retracting Hydroxychloroquine Bans

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of or In an abrupt about-face, the Ohio Board of...

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Large Private Employers Takes Effect Amid Ongoing Supreme Court Battle

The Biden administration’s vaccination mandate pertaining to large private employers went into effect Monday, despite that the rule is facing legal challenges in the Supreme Court, leaving...

Pentagon Faces Class-Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandates on Military, Federal Employees and Contractors

Service members from all five branches of the U.S. military, federal employees, and federal civilian contractors have joined in a class-action lawsuit against the Department of...