Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

How do blood transfusions work? - Bill Schutt

Researchers Concerned About Blood Transfusions From Vaccinated and Long-COVID Patients, Propose Changes: Preprint

Doctors believe there should be a protocol to check donated blood for vaccine mRNA, spike proteins, spike antibodies, and abnormal health markers which should be removed.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in White Oak, Md., on June 5, 2023

FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees to Remove Controversial ‘Stop It’ Post

FDA has agreed to remove social media posts and webpages that urged people to stop taking ivermectin to treat COVID-19, according to a settlement dated March 21, 2024.
Parsonage-Turner Syndrome

Rare Neurological Disorder Linked to COVID-19 Vaccination, Research Suggests

A recently published review in Vaccines shows COVID-19 vaccines may trigger Parsonage–Turner syndrome—a condition that causes intense pain and muscle atrophy.
Scrutinizing Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 Vaccines

Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccines’ Efficacy Exaggerated, Effectiveness ‘Well Below’ 50 Percent, Researchers Say

Researchers allege biases and manipulation of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine clinical data have exaggerated efficacy and underestimated vaccine adverse events.
Footage from the Wuhan Institute of Virology

New Study Shows Nearly 70 Percent Probability That COVID Leaked From Wuhan Lab

The COVID-19 virus had an “unnatural” origin, with a high probability that it came from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), a recent study concluded.

Sovereignty Coalition, Influential Groups Call For Congress To Support House In Defunding The W.H.O.

Sovereignty Coalition is calling for congress to support house in defunding the W.H.O. to prevent “global governance” bid to crush our sovereignty, freedoms.
UNICEF ‘Pandemic Classroom’ at United Nations Headquarters

Report Criticizes ‘Catastrophic Errors’ of COVID Lockdowns, Warns of Repeat

‘Granting public health agencies extraordinary powers was a major error,’ says Johns Hopkins economist Steve Hanke. It was four years ago, in March 2020, that...

CDC Updates Measles Travel Advisory, Outbreaks Now in 46 Countries Outside of US

CDC has updated its Level 1 travel advisory, adding two countries to its list of 46 travel destinations experiencing outbreaks of measles.
Kidney Complications

28 Types of Kidney Complications Reported Following COVID-19 Vaccination

Despite their relative rarity, kidney disorders occurring after COVID-19 vaccination haven’t received the attention they warrant.

Harvard Medical School Professor Was Fired Over Not Getting COVID Vaccine

A Harvard Medical School professor, epidemiologist and biostatistician, Martin Kulldorff, who refused to get a COVID-19 vaccine has just been terminated from HMS.
Problems After COVID-19 Vaccination More Prevalent Among Naturally Immune: Study

Problems After COVID-19 Vaccination More Prevalent Among Naturally Immune: Study

People who recovered from COVID-19 and received a COVID-19 shot were more likely to suffer adverse reactions, researchers in Europe are reporting.

300 People in California Possibly Exposed to Measles

Around 300 people at a hospital in northern California possibly were exposed to measles after a child went to the facility for treatment, local authorities said.