Health & Pandemics

Health & Pandemics on includes information and news about the health of Americans and the effects of pandemics on America and the world.

UCI medical staff receives a COVID-19 vaccination

Vaccine Effectiveness in New York Dropped as Delta Variant Surged During Summer, Study Shows

The effectiveness of the three COVID-19 vaccines dropped significantly over the course of 10 weeks this summer when the Delta variant exploded to become...

Pompeo Confirms Intense Opposition to Wuhan Lab Probe From State Department, Intelligence Bureaucracies

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed to The Epoch Times on June 3 that his efforts to get to the bottom of how...

Group Calls on Authorities to Investigate CDC Over Misinformation About Child COVID Deaths

U.S. CDC officials who spread misinformation about child COVID-19 deaths should be investigated for violations of the agency’s scientific integrity policies.
Rand Paul

Rand Paul speaks out against $484 Billion coronavirus stimulus package

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., spoke out in opposition against the $484 billion coronavirus stimulus package that was passed in the Senate Tuesday and warned, “no amount of bailout...

‘This Has Cost Millions of Lives’: Steve Kirsch on Suppression of Repurposed Drugs and...

Steve Kirsch argues there are two peaks of vaccine-related mortality: one is within weeks of vaccination, and one is about five or six months after vaccination.
Adverse Event Definition

Compilation of 2,074 Case Reports Documenting Vaccine Injuries

Case reports are reliable evidence that an individual report of a medical condition following vaccination represents a genuine vaccine injury.

Italy Mandates All Workers to Show COVID-19 ‘Green Pass,’ Prompting Protests

The Italian government imposed one of the world’s strictest COVID-19 measures on Friday, requiring all workers in Italy to show a COVID-19 “Green Pass” prior to entering their...
Pregnant Belly with COVID-19 Face Mask

The False Messaging on Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women

mRNA vaccines were released globally in early 2021 with slogan “safe and effective.” Unusual for new class of medicine, they were recommended for pregnant women.

Former CDC director believes virus came from lab in China | CNN International

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield sits down with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta to discuss the pandemic and shares his opinion about the origin of...
Blood of subjects vaccinated with Comirnaty BioNTech/Pfizer

Unusual Toxic Components Found in COVID Vaccines, ‘Without Exception’: German Scientists

Independent German scientists found toxic components—mostly metallic—in all COVID vaccine samples they analyzed, “without exception”.
WAR ROOM Pandemic

Meadows Sets Record Straight on Fauci and Birx Misrepresentations of Trump’s Pandemic Response

Mark Meadows sets the record straight on Fauci and Birx misrepresentations of Trump's COVID-19 Pandemic response seen on March 28, 2021 on the CNN...

Former secretary of state and general dead of COVID at 84 — despite being...

Colin Powell, former general and secretary of state, dead at 84 Colin Powell, a former military general and the first black secretary of state under...