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Immigration on TheThinkingConservative.com includes information about immigration policy and immigration news in the United States.

Stimulus Check

Millions of immigrants in U.S. illegally are issued Social Security numbers — and given...

Millions of illegal immigrants do have Social Security numbers (SSNs), and they will receive billions of dollars in stimulus money.

DeSantis Proposes $8 Million in Budget to Relocate Illegal Immigrants to Delaware, Martha’s Vineyard

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis set $8 million in his 2022–23 budget to transport illegal immigrants out of The Sunshine State. He proposed the spending in the Freedom...
Kinney County Attorney Brent Smith

In Pursuit of a Secure Border: Small Texas County Leads Charge Against Border Crime

KINNEY COUNTY, Texas—Charging an illegal immigrant with a misdemeanor such as criminal trespass sounds simple enough. But throw 1,008 cases at a small county with...

Bill Clinton on Illegal Immigration in 1995 State of the Union Address

This is a portion of Bill Clinton's State of the Union Address from January 24, 1995 where he discusses Immigration. "All Americans, not only in...
Texas State Troopers Arrest Illegals

Militia Moves Into Texas Border County to Deter Illegal Immigration

BRACKETTVILLE, Texas—For months, Texas ranchers have dealt with a relentless stream of illegal aliens traversing their property, cutting fences, breaking into their homes, and...
A Small Arizona Town Prepares to Fight State Over Illegal Immigration

A Small Arizona Town Prepares to Fight State Over Illegal Immigration

Three hundred miles from the U.S. border, residents of a remote Arizona town were ready to take up arms against the governor’s actions.

Migrant Caravan Leader Vows to Flood U.S. Border: ‘We Are Ready for War!’

Sixty thousand illegal aliens, consisting of mostly Haitians, are heading to the U.S. border in the next week as a second migrant caravan prepares...

Warriors for Ranchers Was Live on US-Mexico Border where People are being Trafficked into...

Air Force Veteran Mike Miller and his Warriors For Ranchers focus on providing crisis relief to farmers and ranchers in Texas who are...

Republicans Raise Terror Alarm After Illegal Immigrants Caught With Explosive Devices

Republicans are raising the alarm over a possible terror threat to the country after Border Patrol agents caught illegal border crossers carrying explosives.
Red Cross Pamphlet

Red Cross Pamphlet Facilitates Illegal Immigration, Says Expert

A pamphlet published by the Red Cross titled “Messages of Self-Help for Migrants.” facilitates illegal immigration into the United States.
Border Arrests: Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigrants Intentionally Damaging Property, Says Texas Sheriff

KINNEY COUNTY, Texas—This year’s illegal immigrants are unlike those from previous years, according to Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe, who was also a Border...

Border Patrol Arrests Shatter All Records at Southern Border

Border Patrol agents apprehended a total of 1,666,167 illegal immigrants along the southwest border in fiscal 2021—breaking all records since 1925 after the agency...