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Keep Up with the Biden Regime including the Economy, Immigration, Legislation, Elections, Pandemic, Wars, CCP in China, and facts about the Capitol Breach.

Republican National Committee

RNC Backs Complaints Alleging Illegal Election Inspector Gaps in Wisconsin’s Biggest Cities

As growing wave of election integrity challenges, the RNC has supported complaints with the WEC over election integrity concerns Madison and Milwaukee.
Ivermectin tablets packaged for human use.

How Ivermectin Trials Were Designed to Fail

Despite the proven efficacy of ivermectin in treating COVID-19, some studies in top-tier journals have concluded otherwise. Which data should we trust?
AG Garland Thinks We're Too Stupid to Have an ID to Vote

16 GOP Attorneys General Challenge Garland’s Comments on Voting Laws

Republican state AG's are pushing back against AG Garland’s comments at a church in Selma, AL, where he discussed using DOJ to interfere in state voting laws.
Cattle rancher Jim Chilton displays the 40-caliber handgun he carries when he goes out on his 50,000-acre ranch in Arivaca, Ariz., on March 22, 2024.

‘You’re Either a Cowboy or a Wimp’—Rancher, 85, Reveals Grim Realities on US–Mexico Border

ARIVACA, Ariz.—Jim Chilton and his wife Susan were college sweethearts who married young and worked hard to build a life together on their 50,000-acre...
Ulterior Political Motive Behind Biden's Open Border

Sen. Kennedy Suggests Ulterior Motive Behind Border Crisis While Questioning Mayorkas

Illegal immigrants affect electoral college votes and congressional district reapportionment, the senator charged. Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) suggested on April 10 that the Biden administration...
2024 NDAA Bill Extends FISA Spying Abuses!

House Conservatives Tank FISA Bill in Blow to Speaker Johnson

House conservatives tanked a procedural vote to advance a surveillance power reauthorization bill in protest against its lack of warrant requirements.
Hidden Behind Climate Policies, Data From Nonexistent Temperature Stations

Hidden Behind Climate Policies, Data From Nonexistent Temperature Stations

Hundreds of ‘ghost’ climate stations are no longer operational; instead they are assigned temperatures from surrounding stations.
Fentanyl: Why are so many Americans dying from synthetic opioids? - BBC News

Communist China’s Genocide Against America

Mounting accusations and some evidence point to Beijing not only killing Americans with illicit fentanyl, but doing so intentionally.

The Montana Supreme Court Tries to Move the State Left

The Montana Supreme Court’s overruling of election integrity laws is part of a wider pattern. The Epoch Times reported on March 28 that the Montana...

Pfizer and a Corruption Too Deep to Fix

That’s all great but we have a different problem in our own time. The higher powers on which we depend for redress are themselves part of the corruption.
Chronic Symptoms after COVID-19 Vaccine

EXCLUSIVE: CDC Hid Finding of Possible Link Between COVID Vaccines and Tinnitus

CDC and partners uncovered signs that Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines might cause condition called tinnitus but never disclosed findings to public,
Democrats Commit Vastly More Dark Money Than Republicans for 2024

Democrats Commit Vastly More Dark Money Than Republicans for 2024

Democratic dark money groups, megadonors, and unions are funding massive spending effort aimed at reelecting Biden and advancing Democratic Party’s power.