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Keep Up with the Biden Regime including the Economy, Immigration, Legislation, Elections, Pandemic, Wars, CCP in China, and facts about the Capitol Breach.

Why All of America Could See a San Francisco-Style Homeless Crisis

Why All of America Could See a San Francisco-Style Homeless Crisis

Overwhelmed with homeless people, cities and towns seek relief from the trap of having to either provide housing or leave encampments alone.
Don't Forget To Vote

What to Know About Super Tuesday 2024

The biggest day of the presidential primary calendar may not be so big this year. As President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump race...
UN Says Melting Arctic Ice Is Key Indicator of Climate Change—But It’s Not Melting

UN Says Melting Arctic Ice Is Key Indicator of Climate Change—But It’s Not Melting

Climate policy based on an assumed relationship between CO2 and Arctic ice levels is problematic, say scientists. It’s bad news for polar bears, according to...

Biden Brags About Defying Supreme Court on Student Debt Cancellation, Claims No Cost to...

President Joe Biden has boasted about defying the Supreme Court ruling that blocked his debt forgiveness scheme while falsely claiming no cost to taxpayers.

Mayorkas Impeachment Effort Fails on House Floor in Blow to GOP Leaders

Four Republicans voted with Democrats to tank the resolution. Republican lawmakers say they will bring it up again for a vote next week

Long-Term Increased Risk of Digestive Diseases After COVID-19 Infection: Study

A new study suggests people who have recovered from COVID-19—even if they had mild cases—are at risk of future digestive diseases.
Amazon's Jeff Bezos

Biden Administration Pressured Amazon to Censor COVID-19 Books: Emails

Top officials in President Joe Biden’s administration pressured Amazon to censor some books about COVID-19, according to newly disclosed emails.

Thousands Gather for Prayer and Protest at ‘Take Our Border Back’ Rallies, Convoys

More than 2,500 protesters outraged over lax border security gathered in prayer and protest in three border states over the weekend.

360 degrees of hostility: The Biden administration and Israel

The Mothers of IDF Soldiers group led a demonstration last week of army mothers, reservists in the Israel Defense Forces, bereaved families and other...
As GOP Field Narrows, Trump’s Legal Battles Intensify

As GOP Field Narrows, Trump’s Legal Battles Intensify

A Supreme Court decision and various appeals could change the trajectory of the 2024 presidential campaign. Former President Donald Trump is preparing to traverse a...

United States Invasion Route Exposed

Muckraker followed the mass migration route from Quito, Ecuador to the U.S. border and shows how the UN is planning and executing a weaponized migration program.
The Decay of America

The Senate’s Amnesty Bill That Will Crush This Country

How about this for an immigration bill:  Shut the border and deport the millions of illegals that have invaded our nation at the invitation of Biden regime.