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Keep Up with the Biden Regime including the Economy, Immigration, Legislation, Elections, Pandemic, Wars, CCP in China, and facts about the Capitol Breach.

Steven W. Mosher | China as an Election Issue

Steven W. Mosher the author of Bully of Asia: Why China's Dream Is the New Threat to World Order discusses China as an election...
Jim Jordan on Mail-In Ballots

Democrats want to use mail-in ballots to steal election and deny Trump second term

Watch the latest video at foxnews.com Democrats around the country are attempting to force last-minute changes to election laws and expand universal mail-in voting procedures,...
Senator Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell on POTUS Coronavirus Diagnosis

Just finished a great phone call with @POTUS. He’s in good spirits and we talked business — especially how impressed Senators are with the...

The District of Columbia Should Not Be a State

Democrats have lately revived their campaign to make the District of Columbia the 51st state — or 52nd, if they get their way on Puerto...
Judicial Watch: Because no one is above the law!

Judge Rejects HHS Effort to Stall Release of Fauci Emails Until After Election –...

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that a federal judge ordered the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to begin producing communications and other records...
Voting in New York City

Another NYC election fiasco “proves” Trump’s Mail In Ballot concerns are correct

According to Politico, Democrats and published media reports have widely disputed Trump's assertions about Mail In Ballot issues and officials have promised a valid...

House GOP leaders hold press conference on the threat posed by China

In a press conference on September 30, 2020, the leaders of the House issued their report and recommendations on the threat that China poses...

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure: Antifa and Law and Order

South Lawn 2:34 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Okay, thank you very much. We’re going to Minnesota. I thought the debate last night was great. We got...

Interference: Democracy at Risk

The 2016 election was a wake up call for American democracy. Dark money, disinformation, fake news, and vote tampering threaten the integrity of free and fair...

Remarks by Vice President Pence After Meeting with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and...

U.S. CapitolWashington, D.C. THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, on behalf of President Donald Trump, I want to thank the Senate Majority Leader and your colleagues in...
Life Liberty & Levin | Fox News

Secretary Michael R. Pompeo With Mark Levin of Life, Liberty & Levin

Secretary Michael R. Pompeo on talks to Mark Levin of Life, Liberty & Levin discussing the accomplishments of the Trump Administration and other topics. Life,...

Remarks by President Trump Announcing His Nominee for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court...

Rose Garden 5:04 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much.  Thank you.  Thank you.  I stand before you today to fulfill one of my highest...