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Keep Up with the Biden Regime including the Economy, Immigration, Legislation, Elections, Pandemic, Wars, CCP in China, and facts about the Capitol Breach.

China’s Unrestricted Warfare Could Lead to Collapse in One Year

Joshua Philipp, the award wining investigative reporter for the Epoch Times has a virtual sit-down with Patrick Bet-David about China’s unrestricted warfare and how...

Tucker: Inside the Democrats’ $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill

Tucker Carlson discusses what's inside the Democrat's $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill. When the smoke clears, only China will be able to bail us...

Matthew McConaughey urges politicians to stop partisan politics on coronavirus

We're in a tug of war with coronavirus and we need all hands on the rope if we're going to beat it, Academy Award-winning...
John Solomon's Just The News

DOJ crackdown on China influence inside research universities expands to Arkansas

A Justice Department crackdown on secret Chinese influence inside American universities has expanded to Arkansas, where a longtime professor has been charged with concealing...
WAR ROOM Pandemic


WAROOM: PANDEMIC Week 20 covers the Chinese Communist Party and coronavirus, designated 2019-nCoV, which was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. People developed...
The Rubin Report with Dave Rubin

Dan Crenshaw Sets the Record Straight on COVID Response

Setting the Record Straight On Trump COVID Response (Part 1) Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Dan Crenshaw (Congressman, Former Navy SEAL) about...
The Washington Post

GOP to launch ‘China Task Force’ that Democrats bailed on

For more than a year, top leaders from both parties in the House of Representatives worked to form a bipartisan committee to oversee congressional...

Doctors report hydroxychloroquine has over 90% chance to cure coronavirus patients

Check out all this articles about hydroxychloroquine (English and Swedish language) Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread Chloroquine is a...
The New York Times

The World Trade Organization should be abolished

The coronavirus emergency is not only a public health crisis. With 30 million Americans unemployed, it is also an economic crisis. And it has exposed...

China Lied, People Died: Inside China’s Death Labs that produced the Chinese CoronaVirus pandemic

The Chinese CoronaVirus pandemic is one of the most consequential global events in world history. Hundreds of thousands dead. Trillions in economic damage. How...
Sir Richard Dearlove discusses Covid-19 Virus and Wuhan Lab on LBC

‘Far more likely’ coronavirus came from lab, ex-MI6 chief tells LBC

Coronavirus was more likely to have escaped from a lab than to have come from an animal, the former head of MI6 has told...

Meeting a Doctor Working on the Front Lines

The other day I went to a Japanese food mart in NYC and bumped into the doctor who treated me for a staph infection...