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Keep Up with the Biden Regime including the Economy, Immigration, Legislation, Elections, Pandemic, Wars, CCP in China, and facts about the Capitol Breach.

Xi Jinping under pressure inside China

As the coronavirus outbreak engulfs the world, Chinese leader Xi Jinping is facing rare criticism at home. One America's Jack Posobiec has more from...
Dr. Davey Live Coronavirus Research Boston University

Live Coronavirus Research Gets Underway at BU NEIDL

Scientists at Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL), led by microbiologist Robert Davey, this week started suiting up to conduct research on live samples of...
Surgical Mask

Believe Science But Be Skeptical of Scientists

I am a skeptic by nature. I never believe what I read or hear without independently checking it. So when I read that public...

COVID-19 Update 8: Zinc and chloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19?

We have been asked again and again - “What else can I do, apart from social distancing, hand hygiene, and so on, to protect...

Media condemns label ‘Chinese coronavirus’ after using it themselves

Michael Pillsbury, director for Chinese strategy at The Hudson Institute, discusses the coronavirus and the China connection and China's disinformation campaign.

Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America

A study on war in the modern era, Unrestricted Warfare explores strategies that militarily and politically disadvantaged nations might take to attack the U.S.
Rush Limbaugh

Remember the Swine Flu Panic of 2009? No, You Don’t

I went back and looked at the stats and I was stunned. Are you ready for this? The swine flu outbreak in this country...

Inside China’s high-stakes campaign to smear the United States over coronavirus

If you listened to Chinese state-run media, you'd think President Trump went to China and released vials of COVID-19 on groups of unsuspecting men, women and children. Beijing has been bending...
Joe Biden 2020

Why China is rooting for Beijing Biden to win 2020 presidential race

Xi Jinping and his Communist cronies should celebrate Joe Biden’s recent turnaround at the ballot box, maybe with a (masked) ball. Joe and Hunter Biden...

Sebastian Gorka: The politicization of coronavirus with Victor Davis Hanson on AMERICA First

Sebastian Gorka and Professor Victor Davis Hanson discuss the Left's blatant politicization of the coronavirus on Sebastian Gorka's American First radio show.

Joe Rogan Experience with Michael Osterholm on Coronavirus

Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director...

Sanders and Pavlich blast Biden over extreme policies: He’s not a moderate

(Above video) While Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden racks up establishment endorsements, mishaps raise questions about his stamina; Fox News contributors Katie Pavlich and...