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Keep Up with the Biden Regime including the Economy, Immigration, Legislation, Elections, Pandemic, Wars, CCP in China, and facts about the Capitol Breach.

Wray: China’s Hackers Outnumber FBI 50 to 1

Communist China operates the world’s largest hacking network, and its malign cyber actors outnumber all cyber experts of the FBI by a staggering margin.
Departure Countries of Biden Flights Program: Four Nationalities, 77 Countries

New Data: Many Migrants in Biden’s ‘Humanitarian’ Flights Scheme Coming in from Safe Countries...

Biden's DHS humanitarian program authorizes inadmissible Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans to fly from foreign countries into American airports.

Democrats ‘Forgot to Get the Facts’ Over Texas Illegal Immigrant Drownings, Abbott Says

Abbott said Democrats “forgot to get facts” before accusing TX authorities of preventing Border Patrol from rescuing drowning illegal immigrants in Rio Grande.

The Many Ways a Porous Border Means Crime Without Boundaries

Biden’s supporters attacked him for describing man who allegedly murdered co-ed Laken Reilly as an “illegal,” one of the most contested words in American politics.
Cry out for help managing psychosis

Severe Mental Illness: The Ignored Public Health Crisis

While 50 percent of mass homicides are associated with severe mental illness, desperate families cry out for help managing psychosis.
Wenstrup Clashes With EcoHealth Alliance President Over Connection With Wuhan Institute Of Virology

HHS Suspends Funding and Proposes Formal Debarment of EcoHealth Alliance, Cites Evidence from COVID...

HHS to formally debar EcoHealth Alliance and commence official debarment proceedings and a government-wide suspension of U.S. taxpayer funds to EcoHealth.
Is Gain-of-Function Responsible for the Bird Flu Jump to Cows and Humans?

Is Gain-of-Function Responsible for the Bird Flu Jump to Cows and Humans?

This article aims to avoid unnecessary fear about a potential Bird Flu pandemic. It encourages people to think rationally and adjust appropriately for the future.

Kowtowing to the CCP: Former Taiwan President Ma Doing It Again

Ma Ying-jeou, a former Taiwan President and former Kuomintang Party (KMT) Chairman, has a long history of kowtowing to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 offers NO Tax Relief

GOP Tax Relief Bill in Name Only

91.5% of the money claimed as tax relief for workers and families will instead go to expanding welfare, primarily for those who are barely working, if at all.

House Panel Unanimously Advances Bill That Could Ban TikTok

House Committee on Energy and Commerce unanimously approved bills to secure Americans’ data and compel social media giant TikTok to divest from Chinese ownership.

CDC Updates Measles Travel Advisory, Outbreaks Now in 46 Countries Outside of US

CDC has updated its Level 1 travel advisory, adding two countries to its list of 46 travel destinations experiencing outbreaks of measles.
Man Who Carried Confederate Flag In Capitol Has Turned Himself In

Judge Admits ‘Mistake’ in Order on Jan. 6 Convict’s Release

A federal judge said he made a mistake in a prior order, which ordered the release of a man convicted in relation to the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol.