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Keep Up with the Biden Regime including the Economy, Immigration, Legislation, Elections, Pandemic, Wars, CCP in China, and facts about the Capitol Breach.

Department of Health and Human Services Press Conference on Coronavirus

COVID-19 UPDATE: Health and Human Services (HHS) officials hold a press briefing to provide information on the ongoing U.S. response to #COVID19, also known...

President Trump holds press conference in India

President Trump delivers remarks at a press conference during his first presidential trip to India. This takes place a day after Trump and Indian...

Steve Bannon on China, the Judeo-Christian West, and upcoming 2020 elections

Steve Bannon speaks to the Judeo-Christian Republican Club of Palm Beach about China, the Judeo-Christian West, and the upcoming 2020 elections.

John Ratcliffe on Russia trying to interfere in 2020 elections

Republican Representative John Ratcliffe joins ‘Sunday Morning Futures' to discuss Russia interference in 2020 elections in America.
Huawei Technologies

Justice Department Brands Huawei as a Criminal Enterprise

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) indicted Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei Technologies and its subsidiaries last week for alleged racketeering, theft of intellectual property, and conspiracy...

Gordon Chang: US elites accepted Chinese dominance

The Coming Collapse of China author Gordon Chang on how US elites accepted Chinese dominance and the damage caused by outsourcing manufacturing jobs, expensive...

Sanctuary Cities: Protecting Criminals not Citizens

Homan praises Trump's plan to send border patrol to sanctuary cities In the video above tells us that the U.S. border patrol will reportedly deploy...

Out of the Mouth of Democrats

Barack Obama on Immigration Through Mexico (2018): "Now in 2018 their telling you the the existential threat to America, is a bunch of poor...
The Trump White House

Artificial Intelligence for the American People Resources

For the past 4 years, the Trump Administration has been committed to strengthening American leadership in artificial intelligence (AI). After recognizing the strategic importance...

William Barr announces DOJ will sue counties over sanctuary city policies

Fox News correspondent David Spunt reports on Attorney General William Barr announcing the Department of Justice's plans to sue New Jersey and King...

Pompeo discusses China at the National Governors Association

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gives remarks on China at the National Governors Association winter meeting on February 8, 2020. "China's Communist...

US kills Qasim al-Rimi, leader of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

President Donald Trump says the US military has killed Qasim al Rimi, the leader of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The affiliate has long been considered the global network's most dangerous branch.