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Keep Up with the Biden Regime including the Economy, Immigration, Legislation, Elections, Pandemic, Wars, CCP in China, and facts about the Capitol Breach.

COVID Select Subcommittee Releases Dr. Fauci’s Transcript, Highlights Key Takeaways in New Memo

WASHINGTON — Today, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) released the transcript from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s transcribed interview. Dr. Fauci...
Fentanyl: Why are so many Americans dying from synthetic opioids? - BBC News

Communist China’s Genocide Against America

Mounting accusations and some evidence point to Beijing not only killing Americans with illicit fentanyl, but doing so intentionally.
Getting COVID-19 Vaccination in Israel

Israel Didn’t Check Most Reports of COVID Vaccine Side Effects: Watchdog

People submitted 354,200 reports of side effects after COVID-19 vaccination to Israeli Ministry of Health, but 82% were lost due to technical malfunctions.

House Takes Steps to Hold Attorney General in Contempt

Lawmakers in U.S. House took steps to hold AG Garland in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with congressional subpoenas for audio of Biden’s interview with Robert Hur.

Wisconsin Judge Rules Use of Mobile Vans in Absentee Voting Violates State Election Law

A Wisconsin judge ruled on Jan. 8 that the use of a mobile van to facilitate absentee voting violates state election laws, marking a win for Republicans.
The Patriot Act - Forgotten History

The Great China Shell Game: Washington Must Sanction All Chinese Banks

China is helping Russia’s war effort in Ukraine by employing a shell game, avoiding sanctions by shifting transactions to smaller banks and non-banking channels.

18 Chinese Warplanes, 4 Vessels Detected Near Taiwan Amid Tsai’s Visit to US

CCP sent 18 aircraft and 4 naval vessels toward Taiwan, Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said, as Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen visited island’s Central American allies.

Governor Abbott Issues Statement On Texas’ Constitutional Right To Self-Defense

Gov. Abbott issued statement on Texas’ constitutional right to defend and protect itself as Biden attacks Texas and refuses to perform duties to secure border.
Mayorkas Accountable For American Deaths By Illegal Immigrants

Mayorkas Accountable For American Deaths By Illegal Immigrants

You think your policies are a success. But they're not working for Laken Riley or Travis Wolf or for my state. They are a travesty. Its past time for you to go.

Lawsuit Seeks End to ‘Lawless’ Noncitizen Voting in Pennsylvania

Policy allowing people to register to vote without a verifiable driver’s license and Social Security numbers violates federal law, legal group says.
Xi Jinping meets Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov in Beijing

Communist China and Russia’s Secret Strategies to Weaken the US

CCP and Russia are weakening the U.S. through deadly fentanyl, hacking, and intrusions on critical infrastructure such as ports, water, and electric utilities.
The CCP’s $1 Trillion Geopolitical Weapon Is Failing

The CCP’s $1 Trillion Geopolitical Weapon Is Failing

China's $1 trillion global infrastructure Belt and Road Initiative loses its appeal over hidden military ambitions, corruption, and lack of economic results.