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Keep Up with the Biden Regime including the Economy, Immigration, Legislation, Elections, Pandemic, Wars, CCP in China, and facts about the Capitol Breach.

‘Crooked Politics: Obama Lost in Every State With Photo ID Law’

Lawsuits by Democrats demanding voter ID laws be repealed helped them steal the vote in certain key states so that Obama could be reelected.

Gaza Strip and Israel Videos

What Gives Israel the Right to Defend Itself? In response to incessant rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip, the IDF has launched a widespread campaign...
WND WorldNetDaily

THE BIG LIST of vote fraud reports

WASHINGTON – The outcome of the November 6, 2012 presidential election shocked almost everyone, with very few analysts expecting Barack Obama to win so...

Iran Says Repelled Unidentified Plane From Its Airspace

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran repelled an unidentified aircraft violating its airspace, it said on Friday, after Washington reported a U.S. surveillance drone was shot at by Iranian warplanes...
A Syrian refugee collects water at the Al Zaatri refugee camp.

U.S. Military In Jordan, Has Eyes On Syria Chemical Weapons

(Reuters) - A team of U.S. military planners is in Jordan to help the Amman government grapple with Syrian refugees, bolster its military capabilities...

Iran’s President Ahmadinejad Addressed United Nations

At the United Nations, Iran's President Ahmadinejad is now at the podium addressing the general assembly. NEW WORLD ORDER SPEECH Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed...
Economic Freedom , Antidote To Arab Unrest

Economic Freedom the Real Antidote to Arab Unrest

By Ambassador Terry Miller ~ The Washington Times - The recent attacks on U.S. diplomatic outposts in the Middle East are certainly disappointing, but...
Eleven Years After 9/11 Are We Any Safer?

In unusual snub, Obama to avoid meeting with Netanyahu

(Reuters) - In a highly unusual rebuff to a close ally, the White House said on Tuesday that President Barack Obama would not meet...

Obama’s Full Statement on Libya Attack

President Obama delivers a statement from the Rose Garden at the White House on Wednesday condemning the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi,...
Egyptian Islamist protesters scale US Embassy and replace US Flag

Egyptian Islamist Protesters Scale U.S. Embassy and Replace U.S. Flag

Main ultraconservative Islamist protesters climbed the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Egypt's capital Tuesday and brought down the flag, replacing it with a...
Flags of Israel and Iran with Israeli F-16 fighters

Bridging the U.S.-Israeli Gap On Iran

Washington Post Opinions- By Editorial Board, Published: September 7 ~ THE POINTLESS kerfuffle in Charlotte over whether the Democratic Party platform would contain a...

U.S., Egypt Conducting Joint Military Exercises

U.S. planes landed in Egypt Tuesday for a joint exercise, the first since the fall of Hosni Mubarak. Just days after a report that the...