How the US Spent $4.1 Billion on Global LGBT Initiatives

How the US Spent $4.1 Billion on Global LGBT Initiatives

The US government is pouring money into LGBT initiatives in US schools, as well as countries from Belarus to Nigeria to China.
Michael Bloomberg wants to ‘Finish the Job on Coal’

Behind a $500 Million Donation to ‘Finish the Job on Coal’

Some experts say that Bloomberg’s millions, together with the billions being spent by the Biden admin to 'finish the job on coal,' are paving a road to ruin.
Is Gavin Newsom Running a Shadow Presidential Campaign?

Is Gavin Newsom Running a Shadow Presidential Campaign?

His vetoes, his foreign trips, his upcoming debate with Gov. Ron DeSantis all adds up to a shadow presidential campaign by California Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Anesthesia: The Lesser-Known Side Effect That Could Be Mind-Altering

Anesthesia: The Lesser-Known Side Effect That Could Be Mind-Altering

Surgery is linked to cognitive decline and changes in personality and behavior among a significant number of older Americans.
Cry out for help managing psychosis

Severe Mental Illness: The Ignored Public Health Crisis

While 50 percent of mass homicides are associated with severe mental illness, desperate families cry out for help managing psychosis.

America Has a 155mm Artillery Munitions Problem

The United States is at risk of critically depleting its munitions stockpiles by simultaneously supporting Israel, Ukraine, and other international partners.
The Long Red Shadow Behind Islamic Terrorism

The Long Red Shadow Behind Islamic Terrorism

Search for "Israel" on China’s biggest search engine Baidu—the nation's name is no longer on the map. This is latest twist in a calculated silence by the CCP.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr Attackers

A Fake Badge and a Loaded Gun: The Mystery Man Who Tried to Get...

For months Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s 2024 presidential campaign has asked for Secret Service protection—two recent incidents suggest it might be needed.
Trump Gag Orders Test Judges' Powers

‘Absolutely Unprecedented’: Trump Gag Orders Test Judges’ Powers

Trump's cases in New York and Washington have prompted a fierce debate over how far judges can go in limiting free speech.
Rosanne Boyland Montage

False Claims Haunt Family of Woman Who Died on Jan. 6

A false media narrative that blames Rosanne Boyland for her own death is a slap in the face: 'Rosanne deserves better,' her mother says.
Will ‘MAGA Mike’ Succeed as House Speaker?

Will ‘MAGA Mike’ Succeed as House Speaker?

Mike Johnson's stunning rise to speaker has been hailed as a win for conservatives. But he faces key tests on the road ahead.
Deepfake Election

The ‘Deepfake Election’: How AI and Fake Content Could Influence 2024 US Contests

The impact of deepfakes on the 2024 U.S. election is already evident, experts say, calling for the public to be more aware of potential fake content.