Premium Reports

Premium Report from The Epoch Times on

San Francisco Bay Pirates

Crime in San Francisco Is So Bad, There’s Now Pirates in the Bay

'We have these organized crime units, which consist of anchor-out pirates and shoreside crime,' says yacht club assistant commodore.
How Blue States Work Around SCOTUS to Restrict Gun Rights

How Blue States Work Around SCOTUS to Restrict Gun Rights

New York is one of several blue states that have quickly added more firearms restrictions since the Supreme Court said citizens have a right to carry.
America’s Runaway Debt Scenario

America’s Runaway Debt Scenario: $1 Trillion in Interest per Year

U.S. federal govt has borrowed so much money that, over past year, it spent one-fifth of all money it collected just on debt interest—almost $880 billion.
JFK Assassination

I Always Thought the JFK Assassination Was a Conspiracy, Then Something Changed

A new Gallup poll finds that a whopping two-thirds of the public rejects the theory that President Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman.
Cervical Cancer

The True Culprits of Cervical Cancer

There are major root causes for cervical cancer that are often ignored, yet their consideration is pivotal for achieving a cancer-free life.
Pentagon's Abortion Policy

Sen. Tuberville’s Military Holds Spark Radical Countermove

Behind Sen. Tuberville's military holds over the Pentagon's abortion policy, and how it has sparked a countermove to alter Senators' individual authority.
Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plan

The Intricate Cleanup of a Radioactive Nuclear Disaster Site, 44 Years Later

A 1979 partial nuclear meltdown at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania is again being cleaned up, after it was sealed off for decades.
Argentina's New President Javier Milei

5 Things to Know About Argentina’s New President

Who is Javier Milei, the man elected to the presidency on the promise of slashing government departments and opposing socialism?
It's A Baby Boy / Girl

Parents’ Personality Disorders Driving Surge in Trans Kids: Psychiatrists

'Transhausen by proxy' describes narcissistic parents who may push transgenderism because they enjoy the attention from having a 'trans kid.'
Google Jigsaw’s Plan to Vaccinate Your Mind

Google Jigsaw’s Plan to Vaccinate Your Mind

The concept of “prebunking” is gaining traction among censorship industry insiders, but its core mechanics are not widely understood by the public at large

‘Our Strategy Is Wrong’: Pro-Life Leaders Reflect on Ohio Defeat

After decades of losses kept them on the defensive, the pro-life movement has been caught flat-footed now that the ball is in their court in a post-Roe America.
Supreme Court Cases Could Curb Administrative State

4 Supreme Court Cases That Could Curb the Administrative State

The Supreme Court is reviewing the administrative state's power with several cases this term that could make major changes to the way agencies regulate.