Premium Reports

Premium Report from The Epoch Times on

Obama Admin Enabled Nonstop Security Leaks Against Trump

How the Obama Admin Enabled the Nonstop Security Leaks Against Trump

Obama admin changed guidelines allowing sharing of raw data which dramatically expanded government officials access to private information of American citizens.

‘Weaponized Migration,’ a Coordinated Effort Playing Out Deep in the Panama Jungle

Mass illegal immigration is being used to ‘destroy the United States politically, culturally, economically, and even geographically,’ says communism expert.
Top 10 COVID Events of the Year: Revealing the Facts Unspoken and Unknown

Top 10 COVID Events of the Year: Revealing the Facts Unspoken and Unknown

The science on the effectiveness and risks of masking and vaccinations has become increasingly clear with the release of highly authoritative studies in 2023.
Mega Donors in the 2024 Election

Meet the Mega Donors at Play in the 2024 Election

Find out about the top three donors for each of the top four presidential candidates,—they've donated a combined total of more than $41 million so far.
‘Pure Junk Science’: Researchers Challenge Narrative on CO2 and Warming Correlation

‘Pure Junk Science’: Researchers Challenge Narrative on CO2 and Warming Correlation

UN claims that human-caused CO2 emissions are imperiling the planet are ‘totally garbage,’ says scientist. ‘CO2 doesn’t cause a change in temperature.’
Supreme Court Cases Could Curb Administrative State

4 Supreme Court Cases That Could Curb the Administrative State

The Supreme Court is reviewing the administrative state's power with several cases this term that could make major changes to the way agencies regulate.
Rosanne Boyland Montage

False Claims Haunt Family of Woman Who Died on Jan. 6

A false media narrative that blames Rosanne Boyland for her own death is a slap in the face: 'Rosanne deserves better,' her mother says.
JFK Assassination

I Always Thought the JFK Assassination Was a Conspiracy, Then Something Changed

A new Gallup poll finds that a whopping two-thirds of the public rejects the theory that President Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman.

Scientists Expose Major Problems With Climate Change Data

Temperature records used by climate scientists and govts to build models forecasting manmade global warming repercussions have problems and corruption in data.
Why US Businesses Can’t Wait to Get Out of China

Why US Businesses Can’t Wait to Get Out of China

After fueling China’s growth for decades, American businesses are now pulling out, as its political and business landscapes shift.
Doing Nothing: An Unexpected and Possible Lifesaving Cancer ‘Treatment’

Doing Nothing: An Unexpected and Possible Lifesaving Cancer ‘Treatment’

Cancer treatments can undermine health. That’s well understood, but now researchers better know when that cost just isn’t worth it.
14 Potential Running Mates for Trump, Including 2 Wildcards

14 Potential Running Mates for Trump, Including 2 Wildcards

Trump’s polling lead over Republican rivals looks insurmountable, more than 40 names have bubbled up in speculation about his pick for VP in the 2024 election.