Premium Reports

Premium Report from The Epoch Times on

Voter Fraud Convictions Challenge Narrative of Secure Elections

Voter Fraud Convictions Challenge Narrative of Secure Elections

Criminal convictions of election fraud across America have called into question the narrative that cheating is rare and of little impact.
Inside the Brewing Fed–State Showdown at the Texas Border

Inside the Brewing Fed–State Showdown at the Texas Border

In a come-and-take-it statement, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott remains defiant in Texas’ Constitutional right to protect itself from an invasion.

9 Takeaways From Super Tuesday Showdowns

Presidential primaries took center stage, but four states held general primaries and one conducted a gubernatorial primary, all with implications for November.
Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation.

PATCON Explored: Records Provide Glimpse of FBI Right-Wing Infiltration Ops

The FBI code-named it Patriot Conspiracy (PATCON): a 1990s-era right-wing infiltration operation so secret its details remain largely unknown.

214 Studies, 21 Guidelines: Largest Review on Transgender-Youth Medicine Finds Insufficient Evidence for Medicalization

The review stated that there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate the long-term benefits of medicalizing children who want to identify as a different gender.
To Understand Mike Johnson, Look to Small-Town Louisiana

To Understand Mike Johnson, Look to Small-Town Louisiana

'Mike is a different cut': 1,200 miles from Washington, friends and neighbors shed light on what drives the new Speaker of the House. BENTON, La.—In...
‘There’s Been No Increase’: Scientists Debunk Climate Change Claims About Hurricanes

‘There’s Been No Increase’: Scientists Debunk Climate Change Claims About Hurricanes

Hurricanes are now ’smaller and more compact‘ says a meteorologist, but the predicted ferocious season will become a ’political football' for climate alarmism.

How the Campus Protests Could Impact the 2024 Election

Democrats are concerned that ongoing college protests may jeopardize Biden’s win in 2024, and there is division in Democratic Party over handling demonstrations.
The Top 7 Political Stories of 2023

The Top 7 Political Stories of 2023

A great deal has happened in U.S. politics since the end of the 2022 election cycle and the start of the 118th Congress. Here are 7 political stories of 2023.
Republicans See Warning Signs for Trump in Southern Battleground State

Republicans See Warning Signs for Trump in Southern Battleground State

Trump’s national polling advantage has narrowed to less than one percent since he became the presumptive Republican nominee in the race for the White House.
Arrested for Exposing J6 Lies, Journalist Speaks Out

Steve Baker, on the Jan. 6 Front Lines and in the DOJ’s Crosshairs

Steve Baker, who captured dramatic video on Jan. 6, is charged with four federal misdemeanors. Just who qualifies as a journalist on Jan. 6—and who decides?
What the SCOTUS Decision on Homeless Encampments Means For California

What the SCOTUS Decision on Homeless Encampments Means For California

In a highly anticipated ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court on June 28 held that cities can restrict homeless encampments on public property.