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Russia and Ukraine

Ukraine rejects Russian President Vladimir Putin's peace proposal

Putin Offers Ceasefire If Ukraine Surrenders Eastern Provinces

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he would agree to a ceasefire with Ukraine if the embattled nation surrendered its occupied territories to Russia.
Joe Biden’s attachment to Zelensky is ‘incredibly odd’

G7 Leaders Reach Deal to Unlock Frozen Russian Assets for Ukraine

G7 will provide Ukraine with loan using frozen Russian assets as collateral. The total sum is unclear at this time, but U.S. has committed $50 billion alone.
NATO Develops Plan To Rush US Troops To Russia

Revealed – NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight...

NATO is drawing up plans to send American troops to the frontlines of Europe in the event of an all-out conflict with Russia, it has been revealed.
Zelensky’s people trying to extort me, Western investor claims to FT

Foreign investor in Ukraine accuses officials of corruption

One of the largest private western investors in Ukraine claimed corrupt officials and Zelenskyy’s administration are extorting tens of millions of euros from him. 
Nuland: Ensure Putin Faces Some Nasty Surprises . . . Moscow Concert Attack?

Kremlin: Death Toll Hits 133 in Moscow Concert Attack, All 4 Terrorists Arrested

Putin declared a national day of mourning as all four suspects involved in the attack on Moscow concert hall had been arrested, with the death toll at 133.

Biden to Press House, Senate Leaders on Ukraine, Government Funding as Shutdown Deadline Looms

Four congressional leaders will meet with the president this week as he presses for support in passing a contentious bill to avoid a government shutdown.

Top Russian Official Warns of Nuclear Strike Against Washington If Forced to Give Up...

Russia’s former president and deputy chief of its security council has warned of a nuclear strike against major Western capitals, including Washington.
Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin

Tucker and Putin: An Interview Like No Other

To say I was “fascinated” and “riveted” by Tucker Carlson’s interview of Putin is an understatement and does not reflect the experience of watching the event.

Putin Tells Tucker Carlson Expanding War Beyond Ukraine ‘Out of the Question’

Putin has “absolutely” no interest in expanding ongoing conflict in Ukraine to other countries and accused West of exaggerating nuclear threat posed by Russia.

Primer: How Congress Should Approach Future Aid Requests For Ukraine

Summary Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022, the United States Congress has authorized $113 billion to support Ukraine through a series...

Russia-Ukraine war: Kremlin claims Kyiv pulled out of peace talks last year ‘at Britain’s...

Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, said Ukraine withdrew from negotiation process in 2022 “at Britain’s insistence” and UK “forbade” negotiations with Russia.

CIA boss heads for Z-Day in Kiev as Ukraine falters

CIA Chief William Burns will arrive in Kiev for urgent, secret meetings with Zelensky. It is worth asking: How come Burns is on an urgent mission to Ukraine?