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Russia and Ukraine

Putin Breaks Silence, Says Russia Will Triumph in Ukraine

President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday said that Russia would triumph in its conflict with Ukraine, delivering his first remarks in several days about the weekslong war. “That Blitzkrieg on...

“War Room” Reports on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The “War Room” hears from two correspondents in Europe and two analysts in the U.S. about the crisis in Ukraine. Matthew Tyrmand reports from...

Face-to-Face Talks Resume With ‘Fresh Hope for Peace’ in Ukraine

Face-to-face peace talks have resumed as negotiators from Russia and Ukraine met in the Turkish capital Istanbul in a search for common ground that would put an end to the...

World’s Largest Cargo Plane Destroyed at Contested Airport Near Kyiv, Ukrainian Government Says

The Ukrainian government said Sunday that “the world’s largest aircraft” has been destroyed at a strategically important airport outside Kyiv amid a Russian attack. “This was the...

Russia Says It Will Strike Sites in Kyiv After Ukraine Reports Deadly Attacks in...

Russian officials said March 1 that the military will launch strikes at sites in Kyiv, Ukraine’s largest city, after Ukraine blamed Russia for explosions in its second-largest city. The...

Ukraine Sees Signs of Another Neighbor Planning ‘Direct Invasion’

Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense on Sunday claimed that Belarus is preparing its military to invade Ukraine before warning Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, an ally of Russian President...
NATO Develops Plan To Rush US Troops To Russia

Revealed – NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight...

NATO is drawing up plans to send American troops to the frontlines of Europe in the event of an all-out conflict with Russia, it has been revealed.
Senator Bill Hagerty and MIGs

Hagerty Does Not Sign Ernst-Romney Letter Demanding Biden Help Ukrainians Secure Their Airspace, Effect...

Haggerty did not sign March 10 letter drafted by Ernst and Romney demanding Biden give Ukrainians equipment needed to secure their airspace.

NATO Rejects No-fly Zone Over Ukraine Amid Damage to Nuclear Plant

NATO allies rejected Ukraine’s request to set up and enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine, saying that it would lead to a larger, more devastating conflict...

NATO boss lets the cat out of the bag: US-led bloc has ‘been preparing since...

NATO's Stoltenberg said quiet part out loud when revealing that NATO’s push into Eastern Europe since 2014 was done with Russia in mind.

Kremlin Responds to Biden Suggesting Regime Change in Russia

The Kremlin brushed aside President Joe Biden’s remarks that clearly suggested regime change in Russia. “That’s not for Biden to decide. The president of Russia is...

Ukraine: Leaders, Loudmouths & #TheBidenShow

As we watch the Ukrainian resistance hold off the Russians, the fifth-largest army in the world, the western world watches #TheBidenShow. One can only...