The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: Supplemental – More Adam Schiff Ban Requests, and “Deamplification”

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) frequently wrote Twitter requesting specific tweet removals, including a parody photo of Joe Biden. After President Trump retweeted the parody...
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: The Russiagate Lies

One: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag The Twitter Files Part 14A from journalist Matt Taibbi deal with the Russiagate lies....
Investigating The Twitter Files

Pfizer Board Member Pressured Twitter to Censor Posts on Natural Immunity, Low COVID Risk...

Pfizer board member who used to head FDA lobbied Twitter to take action against post accurately pointing out that natural immunity is superior to COVID-19 vaccination.
Dr. Brett Giroir tweet on Dr. Scott Gottlieb

Twitter Files: Pfizer board member Dr. Scott Gottlieb flagged tweets questioning COVID vaccine

The Twitter Files latest output focuses on Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former FDA commissioner and sitting board member of Pfizer, who suppressed the COVID vaccine debate.
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: How Pfizer’s Dr. Scott Gottlieb Used Same Twitter Lobbyist As White...

Alex Berenson's report on The Twitter Files discusses Pfizer's Dr. Scott Gottlieb's use of same Twitter lobbyist as White House to suppress debate on Covid vaccines.
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: Twitter and the FBI “Belly Button”

Journalists Matt Taibbi has given us Part 12 of The Twitter Files which document the relationship between government agencies and the social media platform. Please...
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: How Twitter Let the Intelligence Community In

Journalists Matt Taibbi has given us Part 11 of The Twitter Files which detailed what led up to the Intelligence Community cozying up with...
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: How Twitter Rigged the COVID Debate

David Zweig shares how Twitter rigged COVID debate by censoring what was true, but inconvenient to U.S. gov policy, by discrediting doctors and experts and users.
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: Twitter and the Other Government

FBI didn’t refute Twitter Files allegations. Instead, it decried “conspiracy theorists” publishing “misinformation,” whose “sole aim” is to “discredit the agency.”
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: More On The FBI & The Hunter Biden Laptop

FBI took Hunter Biden's laptop in 2019 and knew it wasn't a hacking. They told Twitter a "hack-and-leak" would occur in 2020 and spied on Giuliani when he gave laptop to NY Post.
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: How Twitter Quietly Aided the Pentagon’s Covert Online PsyOp Campaign

Lee Fang of The Intercept, released Part 8 of the Twitter Files show that the social media giant directly assisted the U.S. military’s influence operations.
The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files: The FBI Subsidiary Supplemental

Twitter was acting as a subsidiary of the FBI and here is Matt Taibbi supplemental to The FBI Subsidiary files of tweets obtained by sources at Twitter.