U.S. Legislation

U.S. Legislation & Analysis on TheThinkingConservative.com includes information on bills, acts and more from both the U.S. House and Senate.

Rep Nicole Malliotakis Covid Relief Hearing

Malliotakis’ First Floor Speech on Democrats’ Bloated COVID-19 Relief Bill

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis: Thank you, Miss Speaker. This bill is not tailored to the specific needs of our nation or its citizens. I support...
Banning TikTok

Lawyers Explain Controversy Over Anti-TikTok Bill

The Anti-TikTok bill is tailored narrowly to address the issue of social media serving as tools of foreign influence and surveillance, but it could be abused.

Congress Clears Bill to Raise Debt Ceiling by $2.5 Trillion, in Time for Treasury...

The House voted early Wednesday to raise the debt ceiling by $2.5 trillion until 2023, just in time for the deadline set by the Treasury Department, potentially avoiding...

Reject Biden’s $3.5 Trillion Tax, Debt, and Spending Disaster

Background Information The Democrats’ proposed $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill is the Left’s ultimate wish-list compiled into one massive tax, borrow, and spend bill. If passed, this...

Senate Passes $886 Billion Defense Policy Bill

The Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was approved by the Senate in a 87-13 vote after debate on the floor for more than seven hours.

19 Republican senators voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill

19 Republican senators voted for the sweeping $1.2 trillion bipartisan package on Tuesday. The bill past by a bipartisan majority vote of 69-30. Here...

Hagerty Statement On Senate Democrats Siding With Illegal Immigrants Over American Citizens On Voting...

Senate Democrats are siding with illegal immigrants over American citizens by allowing non-citizens to be counted in census determining congressional seats and electoral votes.
Rep. Ken Buck

Rep. Buck Introduces Bill to Increase Penalties for Violent Rioters

In response to the latest reports of ANTIFA and other left-wing groups inciting riots and violently attacking peaceful demonstrators over the weekend, Congressman Ken...

GOP-led House passes bill to extend debt limit by 1 year and reduce domestic...

The GOP-led House passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 to increase the debt limit for one year by $1.5 trillion and reduce the growth of domestic spending.
Rahm Emanuel Crisis Quote

Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste, # Term Limits for Bureaucrats

In the mid-1940s as the world approached the end of WW II, Winston Churchill is credited with saying “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”...

‘Do Everything to Stop It,’ Rep. Greene Moves to Adjourn on $1.9 Trillion Blue...

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene does everything to stop the vote on the COVID-19 Relief package which is a $1.9 Trillion Blue State Bailout by...
Tax Foundation

Build Back Better Act: Details & Analysis of the $3.5 Trillion Budget Reconciliation Bill

Democratic lawmakers on the House Ways and Means Committee have advanced legislation containing the tax elements of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda. The draft legislation could...