U.S. Legislation

U.S. Legislation & Analysis on TheThinkingConservative.com includes information on bills, acts and more from both the U.S. House and Senate.

How Deadly For Americans and Ukrainians is the REPO Act?

REPO Act authorizes U.S. president to seize Russian assets in U.S. jurisdiction and provisions determine the next president can't solve issues causing this war.
The U.S. Capitol building during a rainy day in Washington on April 2, 2024.

House Rejects Border Security Bill

The rejection of the legislation under suspension of the rules was unsurprising, as it would have relied on Democrat support to pass. The House of...

Rep. Warren Davidson Statement on the House of Representatives Passing The Fourth Amendment Is...

The bipartisan Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act introduced by Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) today passed through the House of Representatives.

Vance Memo Warns Repo Act Could Pose Dire Consequences For The Western Financial System

 Sen. JD Vance provided a memo to Republicans in House and Senate which outlines the dire consequences the REPO Act would exact on the Western financial system.
2024 NDAA Bill Extends FISA Spying Abuses!

House Conservatives Tank FISA Bill in Blow to Speaker Johnson

House conservatives tanked a procedural vote to advance a surveillance power reauthorization bill in protest against its lack of warrant requirements.
CBP Mobile App Image

GOP Senators Introduce Legislation to Ban Illegal Aliens From Using CBP One App as...

‘Every American needs to show ID to enter our country. So why do we make it simpler for illegal immigrants to come in than for our own people?’

Cattle Tracking Provision That May Limit Beef Supply Passed in Omnibus Bill

$15 million for electronic tracking of livestock passed in omnibus bill, raising fears system could be weaponized by government to limit beef consumption.

Congress Passes $1.2 Trillion Funding Bill to Avert Partial Shutdown

The U.S. Senate in the early hours of March 23 passed a $1.2 trillion omnibus spending package that was approved by the House on Friday.

House Passes $1.2 Trillion Spending Deal Hours Before Shutdown Deadline

The House passed a $1.2 trillion spending package to fund 70% of the government. The package now heads to the Senate with hours to pass before shutdown deadline.

Rep. Chip Roy said, “This bill is an abomination!”

Texas Rep. Chip Roy tells the truth about what is in the awful $1.2 trillion spending bill in a House session on March 21, 2024.

Conservatives Express Anger Over $1.2 Trillion Spending Bill

‘This bill is an abomination,’ Texas Rep. Chip Roy said. Conservative Republicans didn’t hold back on March 21 over the $1.2 trillion spending bill that...
The U.S. Capitol building during cherry blossom season in Washington on March 20, 2024.

What’s in the $1.2 Trillion Government Funding Package

Second tranche of spending legislation covers 70% of federal government, including Defense, Treasury, Homeland Security, Labor, HHS, Education, and State depts.