U.S. Legislation

U.S. Legislation & Analysis on TheThinkingConservative.com includes information on bills, acts and more from both the U.S. House and Senate.

Biden And Obama Deliver Remarks On The Affordable Care Act | NBC News

Biden Moves Toward Expanding Obamacare to Eliminate the ‘Family Glitch’ in the Plan

President Joe Biden is taking steps meant to expand the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. Alongside the government health plan’s chief architect, former President Barack Obama, at...

New Bill Would Shield Farmland From Key Wind and Solar Subsidy

Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.) has introduced new legislation that would eliminate the energy credit for wind and solar installations if they are operated by a public...

New California Bill Would Legalize Infanticide by Permitting ‘Perinatal Death,’ Pro-Lifers Say

A new California bill backed by prominent leaders would permit infanticide by legalizing “perinatal death,” a medical phrase that includes the time after birth,...

Don’t Let Washington Spy on U.S. Citizens

The Biden administration is turning the massive powers of the U.S. intelligence community inward, toward the American people. And at the same time, there is...

Climate Requests Big Winners in Biden’s $1.5 Trillion Budget Omnibus Bill

$1.5 trillion omnibus bill shows how spending in Biden's Fiscal Year 2023 budget request may be rationalized by appeals to climate change.

Indiana Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Transgender Athletes From Girls’ Sports

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb has vetoed a bill that would bar transgender athletes from competing in girls school sports across the state. In a veto letter on Monday, Holcomb, a Republican, said...

Dr. Rand Paul Introduces Amendment to Eliminate Dr. Fauci’s Position as Director of NIAID

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator and physician Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced an amendment to eliminate Dr. Anthony Fauci’s position as the Director of...

House Passes $1.5 Trillion Spending Bill With $13.6 Billion for Ukraine

The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to pass a $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill that includes $13.6 billion in aid for Ukraine and European...

DeSantis Spokesperson Responds to ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Moniker, Outrage Follows

Pushaw tweeted that the “bill that liberals inaccurately call “Don’t Say Gay” would be more accurately described as an Anti-Grooming Bill.” And added, “If you’re against the Anti-Grooming Bill, you are probably a groomer or at least you don’t denounce the grooming of 4-8-year-old children. Silence is complicity. This is how it works, Democrats, and I didn’t make the rules.”
Mitch McConnell and Republicans

Primer: Top Ten Reasons To Oppose The Omnibus

Summary Congress is approaching yet another of its self-imposed funding deadlines to keep the federal government “open.” Having passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) in February,...
Matt Gaetz

House Democrats Block Bill to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline, Promote ‘American Energy Independence From...

Legislation promoting U.S. energy independence from Russia has been blocked by House Democrats. House Republicans introduced the “American Independence from Russian Energy Act” on Feb. 28, a measure meant...

Tennessee Senate Committee Passes Bill to Ban Mail-Order Abortions

The Tennessee state legislature is advancing another pro-life bill to protect women and save babies from abortions. Tennessee legislators on Tuesday advanced a bill to...