U.S. Legislation

U.S. Legislation & Analysis on TheThinkingConservative.com includes information on bills, acts and more from both the U.S. House and Senate.

Republicans Won’t Vote to Raise Debt Limit Given Democrats’ Partisan Budget Plans: McConnell

Senate Republicans will not vote to raise the debt limit at this time because of Democrat plans to spend trillions of dollars, Senate Minority...

Incoming House Oversight Chairman: ‘Imperative’ to Stop Omnibus Spending Bill

Rep. James Comer is urging Senate counterparts to reject $1.85 trillion omnibus spending bill to strengthen GOP’s oversight authority for the next Congress.

Democrats Bring Bill to Prohibit Armed Citizen Militias

Democrat lawmakers are advancing legislation intended to prevent privately organized paramilitary and militia group activities within the United States.

Biden’s Gun Control Agenda

Heritage legal fellow Amy Swearer, breaks down the Biden administration’s plans on gun control. She explains why instead of addressing the real underlying problems...

Gosar Introduces Stop the Censorship Act 2020

Washington, July 29, 2020 | Rory Burke (202-225-2315) Today, U.S. Representatives Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-4), Doug Collins (GA-9), Ralph Norman (SC-5), Lance Gooden (TX-5),...
Signage identifies the men’s and women’s restrooms at a business in Chattanooga, Tenn., on Jan. 13, 2023.

Employers Must Honor Preferred Pronouns, Bathrooms for Employees Identifying as Transgender: Feds

Biden admin's new guidelines make employer liable for harassment for referring to worker by unwanted pronouns or requiring use of restroom based on biological sex.

House Judiciary Committee Votes to Advance Expansive Gun Control Bill

House Judiciary Committee voted to advance a gun control bill in wake of deadly shooting in Uvalde, TX. The final vote fell along party lines.

California Expands Medi-Cal to Adults 50 and Older, Regardless of Immigration Status

California extending Medi-Cal health care coverage to more than 185,000 residents 50 years and older, regardless of immigration status, May 1.

Dem. Sen. Joe Manchin Speaks Out on Budget and Infrastructure

"I've heard a lot of mischaracterization of my position since the president met with the house Democrats last Thursday and I would like to...

H.R. 1280: George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021

To hold law enforcement accountable for misconduct in court, improve transparency through data collection, and reform police training and policies. House Passes Transformative Bass Police...

Gosar Responds To Democrats Attempts To Cancel Him Via Censure

Washington, D.C.—Congressman Paul Gosar, DDS (AZ-04), issued the following statement in response to the Democrats’ attack on his First Amendment right to speak out...

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Rises in Opposition to Tyrannical Gun Control Bills that Leave...

Rep. Marjorie Greene: "Today I rose to speak on the House floor against two Democrat attacks on our Second Amendment rights -- HR 8...