KEI: COVID-19 Contracts

MAGA News Central: Making American Businesses Great Again

Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) is a not for profit non governmental organization that searches for better outcomes, including new solutions, to the management of knowledge resources.

United States of America

Below are links to copies of the contracts entered into by the US government for technologies to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. KEI is updating this page as we gain access to more contracts, and less redacted versions. Agreements related to the Medical CBRN Defense Consortium (MCDC) whose agreements are executed by Advanced Technology International (ATI) are noted with “(via ATI)”.

KEI has also created a US COVID-19 contract spreadsheet to track metadata of the agreements, as well as to compare the terms contained therein for intellectual property rights, data, and other topics. (Note: At this time, this spreadsheet is being continually updated.)

KEI maintains a separate page of US government contracts concerning needle and syringe production related to the COVID-19 response.

The list below contains COVID-19-related contracts obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests, Securities & Exchange Commission filings, and HHS reading room files. The bulk of KEI’s database of contracts, however, was obtained via FOIA requests and lawsuits filed by KEI. Linked herein is a comprehensive list of all US government COVID-19-related contracts obtained by KEI via FOIA.

US agreements not concerning COVID-19 research, but tied to related vaccine technologies:

US Government licenses related to COVID-19:






Dominican Republic


United Kingdom

Inter-company Agreements Concerning COVID-19

For Updates Visit COVID-19 Contracts on

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