Ke’mari Cooper of Quincy, Florida lands a BIG fish and releases it

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A boy is going viral for his adorable fishing style.

Ke’mari Cooper of Quincy, Florida, was fishing with his dad Velt on Sunday, October 10, 2019 when he landed his personal best, a seven-pound bass, using a “black trick worm” lure.

“Seven pounds!” Ke’mari exclaims while holding the large fish up for his dad, who is filming the catch.

Ke’mari Cooper’s excitement is obvious and Ke’mari explains that he “just knew he was going to get one today”. But the story doesn’t end there.

Ke’mari walks back to the edge of the lake and gently places her back into the water, petting her and saying, “Let’s put this beauty back in the water, my personal best. I hope you grow to be bigger, baby. I hope you go back and be better. One day were going to meet back again. I see you later,” and he let her go.

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